06-06-06 The Number of the Beach
An auspicious date, according to some, but it was a warm and sunny day here in Carradale with no sign of devilment or demonic activity. It was such a nice day, in fact, that we took the kids down to the beach after school for a splash in the water. Typically, the beach was virtually deserted.

Revelations nonsense aside, let's not forget that 6 June is also the anniversary of D-Day and the Normandy Landings in 1944, marking the beginning of the end of World War II.

Donald Kelly's fascinating e-Book 'Kintyre at War' contains a wealth of information about Kintyre during the Second World War. Details of this can be found here.

[Oyster Catchers Nest]
[Oyster Catchers and a Herring Gull]The goats were out on Carradale Point, munching the grass and generally doing whatever it is that goats do. Plenty of birdlife about too.

I literally stumbled across this Oyster-Catcher nest, complete with two eggs. There was a bird back on the eggs again by the time we left the beach so they weren't scared-off at all.

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