31-10-07 Samhain Celebrations
'Tis the night when all good folk she be a-bed for tonight the ghosties and ghoulies will be roaming the streets and lanes of Carradale!

Yes, ok, it's only Halloween and many of our kids will be dressing up in fancy dress and prowling the streets, looking for sweets and scary fun.

The primary school even held its own Halloween Party this afternoon and I'm sure they'll have all had a lot of fun.

Of course celebrating the last night of October has been a tradition far longer than the association with Halloween which is very much a Christian invention.

The Feast of Samhain celebrates the final harvest and is one of the principle dates in the Celtic calendar. It was at this time that farmers of the age would take stock and decide which of their beasts to slaughter and which to keep for the coming year.

Fires featured heavily in the celebrations and it was from the tradition of burning bones on the fire that we get the word bonfire, or bone-fire.

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