31-01-18 East Kintyre Community Council
February 1st Meeting.

EAST KINTYRE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall 7th December 2017

Present: Stuart Irvine (SI) (Convenor), Eleanor Sloan (ES) (Secretary), Robert Strang (RS), Ronnie Brownie(RB), Ian Brodie(IB) Bill Bidmead(BB) Charles McMillan(CM) (Treasurer)

In attendance – Anne Horn (AH), Robin Currie (RC), Alastair Redman (AR), PC Harper 4 Members of the public (MoP)

1. Welcome At 7pm –Stuart Irvine opened the meeting and welcomed the attendees, particularly Alasdair Redman.

2. Apologies Apologies from Tommy McPherson 3. Minutes of last meeting – 02/11/17 Minutes were proposed by Robert Strang seconded by Ronnie Brownie.

4. Treasurers report Balance on 07/12/2017 was £1884.63

5. Hall to school path The woodland has been cleared and the planners are now able to plan the route of the path and to seek funding for it. IB asked about lighting at the bridge.

6. Planning Change of use permission for Abbeyfield has been granted to Mr McCreath. David Oman has applied for renewal of planning permission for a house build – all agreed.

7. Kerb stones and Port Righ pavement Port Righ pavement - No updates – AH to chase up Kerb stones in ACHA car park – no updates – SI to chase up

8. Water problem at man-hole cover at harbour RC reported that ABC have said the problem lies with Scottish Water and they have passed the concern to them. AH has been in touch with Scottish Water but there has been no response. We will now wait to see what happens.

9. Road signage Signage point 1 – an additional sign at the top of the quay brae – reminding drivers that there may be pedestrians on the road – Anne Horn to chase up – Signage point 2 – SI has spoken to ABC – and updated us – ABC have issued notices asking for any objections to the signage being moved – when this is completed they can go ahead with the works.

10. AOB ? Electric Car charge point – IB suggested this might be a good addition to the village – all agreed – RC and Ah agreed to look into this for us. ? ES showed one of the new litter pickers and reminded everyone if they wanted one, to contact Eleanor Sloan or Robert Strang. ? We are still waiting for a response from Pippa Milne for EKCC’s letter of support for the removal of the street light at Port Righ. ? ES asked about switching the street lights off in the wee hours – AR said that when the lights are all replaced with led bulbs, it would cost more to switch them off and on.

East Kintyre Community Council find us at - eastkintyrecc.org Meeting held 7th December 2017 Page 1 of 2
East Kintyre Community Council find us at - eastkintyrecc.org Meeting held 7th December 2017 Page 2 of 2
? RS reported that the street light at Kiloran has been removed by SSE when they removed a pole from the roadside that had the street light on it. AH agreed to report this to the roads and street lighting dept. ? The junction of the Claonaig and Skipness road has no road markings on it and AH informed us that the line painter will be heading this way – and will do the junction at the quay and shore road then as well. ? The grass verge has been churned up again at Tormhor – BB said he saw the bin lorry drive over the grass there – SI to report to ABC ? Alasdair Redman said that he had enjoyed the meeting and wanted to point out that he hadn’t actually promised to attend the last meeting (as reported by the Courier) but had actually said he would attend if he could.

11. Date of next meeting

7pm – 01/02/2018 - no meeting in January

Stuart closed the meeting at 7.40pm and thanked everyone for attending.

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