30-07-14 East Kintyre Community Council
Minutes of meeting 10th July 2014.

East Kintyre Community Council

Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall 10 July 2014


Stuart Irvine (SI) (Convenor), Elizabeth McMillan (EMcM) (Treasurer), Lindsey Mercer (LM),
Robert Strang (RS), Eleanor Sloan (ES) (Secretary) Hilary Oman (HO), Dominic Ryan (DR) Ronnie Brownie (RB)

0 Councillors
3 Members of the public (MoP)

1. Welcome and apologies:
At 7pm - Stuart Irvine welcomed attendees and started the meeting.
Apologies from – John MacAlpine

2. Minutes – 12/06/14
Confirmed - proposed by Elizabeth McMillan, seconded by Robert Strang.

3. Matters arising
I. Slip project – Mike Russell MSP has given permission for the hardcore removed from the harbour to be stored at an area on the harbour owned by ABC.
II. Roads – Stewart Clark was unable to attend this meeting, but he emailed SI some points to bring to the meeting – SSE’s road management plan has been revised and finalised – it describes how SSE will manage all of their site related traffic movements on the B842, it also details how remedial works on the carriageway and verges will be dealt with. ABC are working closely with SSE to ensure appropriate works are being carried out.
(LM said she was worried that after SSE leave the area the road will revert back to ABC and the road will not be up kept sufficiently. SI reassured her that prior to SSE being in the area, ABC were able to keep the road in working order. However, it was generally felt that EKCC would have to monitor the road and keep the pressure on ABC to maintain the B842)
Speeding in the village – it is intended to carry out a traffic survey as soon as equipment is available for use. (Results will probably be available early autumn)
III. ES was asked by a MoP to address an issue that had come to his attention, he asked if the EKCC had been told that SSE originally wanted to upgrade a section of the B842 to double track to enable them to move a 200 ton transformer in. Allegedly this was stopped because ABC didn’t want to have to maintain the road afterwards. EKCC were not aware of this – and because there were no councillors attending the meeting to offer their opinions, we agreed to raise it at the next meeting in September.
ACTION –ES to raise issue again at Sept meeting.
IV. Playpark
All the work has been done now and we discussed the renewal of the lease for the playpark.

4. Treasurers report – opening balance
As of 10/07/2014
The balance of the EKCC bank account stands at £2377.83
SI informed us of an account that holds £9196 for the WFT, when the accounts were audited it was recommended that this account is closed (it awards no interest) and the sum is transferred to one of the other WFT accounts – all agreed.

5. Planning
A planning application 14/01476/PP was considered - erection of a dwelling house at High Ugadale. All approved.

6. Tree Planting – WW1
ES informed the meeting of the progress of the WW1 commemoration events – it has been agreed to plant 16 trees (one for each of the names on the memorial stone) and permission was sought to plant them at the Wellpark – EKCC agreed to the planting. Planting will happen in the autumn 2014.
LM asked if anyone knew who to talk to regarding moving the electric guy cable that cuts into the memorial garden. RS said he would talk to the relevant person.
ACTION –RS to raise with SSE

7. Carradale Youth Club
A request was made from Steve Fulcher, Carradale Youth Club, to apply for funds from WFT. Although the facility is in place to consider a request out-with the set tranches, if the request is of a timely nature, the committee didn’t feel the request had any time restrictions and decided to advise Steve to apply in the Autumn for the next tranche.
ACTION –SI to inform Steve Fulcher of decision.

8. Slip request for storage at Wellpark
This was discussed via the members of the EKCC a month or so ago via email and it was decided not to allow the Wellpark to be used for storage of rubble etc. However SI updated us on this situation (see 3(i)).

9. Peninver/Lussa Road
HO informed us that water is now off the road – so it is over to SSE to fix the hole in the road. SI has already written to SSE re this – but no reply – SI to write again.
ACTION –SI to write to SSE

10. SSE – Village Hall car park
ES was asked to write to Amec/SSE (David Allcock) to offer our thanks for all the jobs that have been done around the village.
Andrew Malkins told SI that he hopes to attend an EKCC meeting soon.
ACTION –ES to write to SSE

11. AOCB
• Grass cutting – RS said that some parts of the village that have been neglected by the ACHA contracted grass cutters
ACTION –SI to clarify with ACHA re grass cutting
• ACHA – SI wrote to ACHA after our last meeting and the only reply - a voice mail was received just before this meeting – saying that a letter is being scripted in reply to our previous concerns. It was agreed for SI to inform EKCC of contents of letter and a response to be put together via email communication.
It was agreed that ACHA becomes a standing agenda item.
DR to write to director of ACHA on behalf of EKCC and local resident re – time of waiting for house repairs to be done.
ACTION –SI to write to ACHA
SI to liaise with EKCC over response from ACHA
DR to contact ACHA on behalf of resident
• LM informed the room that the Pavillion has had some repairs done – but there are lots of other building works that need to be attended to – SI recommended that a project plan be drawn up and funding sought – possibly from WFT.
ACTION –LM to draw up action plan
• ES said that a Newt expert from FCS, had visited the village and met with some interested folk who spent some time together discussing Newt environment etc.
• DR told us that he is unable to print the Antler because the printer is in the school and the school is closed for the summer, there are also issues of PVG requirement for access to the school. ES agreed to ask the Village Hall committee to house the printer in VH.
ACTION –ES to ask VH re Antler printer.

12. Date of next meeting

7pm – 11th September 2014 (no meeting in August)

Stuart thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 7.45pm.

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