29-06-15 EKCC July 2015 Meeting Agenda
Minutes June 2015 meeting.
East Kintyre Community Council
Agenda for meeting on
Thursday 2 July 2015
At 7.00pm
1. Welcome and apologies-
2. Present
3. Minutes of last EKCC meeting
4. Matters arising
5. Bellenden/Good Energy Emma Magaughin
6. Treasurers report Elizabeth
7. Elections in September Eleanor
8. Scottish Heritage Awards Eleanor
9. Kintyre Care Services Eleanor
10. WW1 exhibition Stuart
11. Road Signs welcome to village
12. Pavilion public toilet
13. Planning
14. EKCCWFT Stuart
15. Cemetry
16. AOCB
17. Date of next meeting 3 September
Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall 4th June 2015 (including EKCC AGM)
Stuart Irvine (SI)(Convener) Eleanor Sloan (ES)(Secretary), Robert Strang (RS), Ronnie Brownie(RB),
In attendance -
Margaret Wallace - Argyll Voluntary Action
Robin Currie(RC), Rory Colville (RCol) John McAlpine (JM)
8 Members of the public (MoP)
1. Welcome and apologies -
At 7pm - Stuart Irvine welcomed attendees and started the meeting.
Apologies from - Anne Horn, Lindsey Mercer, Dominic Ryan, Elizabeth McMillan
2. Present -
Stuart Irvine (SI)(Convener) Eleanor Sloan (ES)(Secretary), Robert Strang (RS), Ronnie Brownie(RB),
Margaret Wallace - Argyll Voluntary Action
Robin Currie(RC), Rory Colville (RCol) John McAlpine (JM), 8 Members of the public (MoP)
3. AGM -
I. Apologies - Dominic Ryan, Elizabeth McMillan, Lindsey Mercer.
II. Convenors report - welcome and thanks to members of the East Kintyre Community Council and to Argyll and Bute Councillors who attend our meetings - special thanks to Eleanor Sloan, Elizabeth McMillan for treasurer duties and to Lindsey Mercer for deputising in April.
Highlights of the year include - visits from FCS with updates on works to be commenced.
The work done with ABC on the roads survey - thanks to Alasdair Bennett for his part in this.
Special thanks to Robert Strang for his ongoing work with the playpark and the repair he carries out there.
Peninver/Lussa Road is now repaired.
WW1 tree planting was a success and many thanks to FCS, Trish Hurst, Fire Scotland, Christine Richie for donations of trees, providing refreshments, venue and loads of great information. Latterly many thanks to SSE for the donation of a seat and replacement trees.
Beach Clean was a success
The Slip is now completed
Carradale PO posting box was successfully re-opened.
Ongoing work with SSE and their outstanding generosity within the area needs a special thanks
ACHA have engaged with us on occasion and we have a good ongoing relationship with them.
Antler - sadly this has not been ongoing as DR has a very busy schedule and the printer is still not working
Phase 3 Beinn an tuirc - we have been engaging with the developers on this development
EKWFT grants - last year 23 grants were awarded - a total of £23,357
III. Treasurers report - EM was not in attendance to present this.
IV. A.O.C.B - Dominic Ryan and Lindsey Mercer both handed in their resignations from the EKCC. Many thanks to them both for their hard work on the council.
4. Minutes 14/05/15
proposed by Ronnie Brownie, seconded by Robert Strang
5. Matters arising
6. Treasurers report
7. Roads signs - welcome to the village
Carradale tourists group have applied for WFT funding to replace the signs at one entrance to the village, the WFT agree to give the funding and offered to cover the costs of the other sign, if the group would install them - this offer has been rejected due to lack of funds. SI to clarify.
Action- SI to clarify situation with tourist group
8. Argyll Voluntary Action - Intergrated Heath and Social care
Margaret Wallace from AVA came to talk to us about Integrated care. This will be combining NHS, council and third sector care into one package, which is intended to make care and support more person centred and easier to access and manage. The draft strategic plan is currently being produced and AVA are looking for members of our community to be on the panel - AVA will be sending out info regarding this work - nearer the time and if you are interested please watch this space and local community notice boards.
ACHA have said they are due to start cladding in 4 - 6 weeks and workers will attend to any repairs needed then
10. Carradale Cricket Club
SI discussed the funding bid that was applied for and pointed out that he had provided the receipt as requested and asked if the funding could be released. The EKCC voted and the majority agreed.
11. Pavillion public toilet
RS said that Cheryl Strang has sourced a baby changing table that could be put int he toilet for use by parents, and that the toilet could do with a painting. There is money in the wellpark accounts that would cover this. All agreed to go ahead
12. Gardening around the war memorial
Offer from the Prag's of Lochpark to help with gardening around the war memorial. Gratefully received.
13. Community Funding - SP
SI told us that Scottish Power have released a community funding pot of £200,000 should anyone need to apply for funding.
14. Stepping Stones
no update
15. Planning
No planning applications, although Bill Bidmead told us that there is a renewal of outlying planning permission for 4 houses at Broomfield.
Action SI to ask for more info
16. Clachaig project
It was thought that this would not affect us.
17. AOCB
Roads - B842 - North of Crossaig is getting bad again - is the council aware of this? It was suggested that EKCC email Pippa Milne regarding this - as it seems to be getting ignored.
Action ES to email Pippa Milne
Water on the road at the village hall is tearing the road up again.
Action SI to contact roads dept
Cllr McAlpine asked if the new part of Brackely cemetery should be walled - it was agreed it should
Action SI to contact council
Cour windfarm has been sold to Blue Energy.
Council Boundaries are to be looked at in 2017 - it was suggested that EKCC should secure any windfarm funding now while it is still relevant
ES to email Melissa Stewart - re Comm council election dates
ABC - WW1 commemoration group are holding an event in Campbeltown - based on the Battle of Loos - anyone interested in taking part and helping with research please get in touch with Alistair Cousins or Patrick Stewart.
A letter re the re-opening of the PO in Carradale - was circulated to members of the EKCC saying that there has not been a suitable venue offered and the status quo will remain.
It was agreed to co-opt some members onto the EKCC - and we had two volunteers from the floor - Bill Bidmead and David Prag - both are welcome
18. Date of next meeting
7pm 2/7/15
Stuart closed the meeting at 8pm and thanked everyone for attending.
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