28-12-13 Drive Safetly Now
Road lines now repositioned.

Most of us would have noticed this blunder by the roads dept when they redone the white marker lines few months back.The centre line was well out of line just after Kiloran guesthouse,six and half feet and nine and half.With the narrowness vehicles were clipping the verge on the left going in the village direction causing deep potholes to appear.
The final straw came when i got a call out one evening last month when Jean Campbell clipped a pothole whilst keeping over meeting another car and burst her tyre.Taking photos of the offending hole and the out of centre lines reported this to the road authorities.Couple of days later pothole filled and road narrow sign put up until they could get contractors back to realign markers.Photos of before with potholes and the realigned centre line.
Not very professionaly done in the first place as they also omitted the give way lines at the Glen junction and bottom of Toshs Park ( Glen junction done but no Toshs park).
Claim damage form also requested for tyre,we'll see how that one goes.

ps.just be aware the potholes have opened up again and their is also a protruding boulder.

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