28-06-09 Irene And Jose Dawn Walk
Jose, Joanna, Heather and Irene would like to thank all the walkers who turned out at 5.00am this morning (Sunday) to take part in the Dawn Tartan Walk.
Our two youngest entrants 9 years old Shannon and Shauna did really well and completed the walk in 2.15 hours – well done to them.
This being the second year of this event was another great success, and this time was very kind to us.
Money is still coming in and we hope to be able to give you a total by the end of the week. A huge thank you to everyone who sponsored us all.
Also like to thank Cheryl Strang who donated the refreshments for the end of the walk and to The Network Centre and Jose who put on the best tea & toast.
Update from Irene.
Dawn Tartan Walk: Money raised so far £ 1567 and still some too come in. Already beaten last year by over £100. Will give a final total as soon as I know.
Many thanks to all involved again.
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