27-07-07 Golfing News
[Carradale Golf Club]Carradale Golf Club will be hosting an Am-Am competition on Saturday, 18 August 2007.

The event, sponsored by the Carradale Hotel is for mixed teams of four with a maximum handicap allowance of 18 for gents and 24 for ladies.

There are prizes for nearest the pin and longest drive as well as for overall scores:

1ST £300
2ND £200
3RD £100

To register and for teeing-off times call the secretary on Carradale 321.

More golf news: Congratulations to Carradale youngster Bobby Willan who is about to fly out to Pinehurst in North Carolina, USA, as part of a team representing Great Britain and Ireland in the US Junior World Championships.

At just seven years of ago he's an inspiration to young golfers everywhere.

We all look forward to hearing how he gets on.
[Photo from the Campbeltown Courier]

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