24-10-05 Wet Wet Wet
[Sheep]It's been a wet couple of days and nights here on East Kintyre, with the sunrise being accompanied by the sound of dripping water. All the webcam is showing at the moment are some very soggy sheep.

Speaking of the webcam, or should that be 'wetcam', now that we have broadband I've increased the rate at which it refreshes to every twenty seconds so you shouldn't miss any of the action.

We're always pleased to receive comments from people but remember that sometimes what might seem humourous when you're typing it might not be quite so funny when it's read in the cold (and damp) light of day. So keep it pongal.

Carradale Camera Club have started off their winter season of events with a couple of talks on digital photography and image processing techniques which were well attended by members and visitors. They have a fully-equipped darkroom located in the Network Centre and an A4 flatbed scanner which members are welcome to use. If you're interested in joining the Camera Club then contact Alan McLay on Carradale 695.
Going back to broadband, is anyone locally using it to play games such as Quake Arena against other people over the internet? Just the thing for a wet day in Carradale.

And finally for today, are you thinking of a trip to London, Glasgow or one of our other big cities?

It might be a good idea to read this article by David Mery entitled 'Innocent in London' before you go.

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