24-08-16 Carradale Camera Club AGM
The Glen Restaurant

Carradale Camera Club
Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 7 September 2016
• Welcome

• Attendance

• Apologies

• Minutes of previous AGM

• Chairman’s Report

• Statement of Accounts

• Election of Office Bearers


Carradale Camera Club
Minutes of Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 2 September 2015 – The Glen

In attendance: Steve Partridge (SP) (Chair), Alasdair Bennett(AB), David Mercer(DM), Alan McLay(AMc), Derek Gray(DG), Mary Gray(MG), Christine Ritchie(CR), Rachel Grant(RG), Johnny Durnan(JD), Margaret Richardson (MR), Julia Dancer (Julia), Marjory McKinven(MMC), David Prag(DP) and Susi Lunn(SL)

Welcome: The chair welcomed everyone to the AGM, in particular David Prag who was attending his first meeting. SP indicated he would be standing down from office during the meeting and wouldn’t be seeking re-election.

Apologies: Apologies received from Elizabeth Ireland and Karen Coule.

Minutes of Previous AGM: The minutes of the AGM held on 3 September 2014, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, were proposed by JD and seconded by SL.

Chairman’s Report: SP started his report by saying that he had thoroughly enjoyed his year as chairman and that there had been a number of highlights. He also commented on much he had appreciated the committee meeting, which had always been very constructive.
SP reported that we had 22 members during the year with an average of 10 in attendance at meetings, which had started in the school but later moved to The Glen. In his view The Glen was an ideal venue for club meetings and members indicated their agreement. Although coming 6th in the Frank Walton Trophy was a bit of a disappointment, he pointed out that there was very little between the scores of the bottom 3 clubs. SP felt the standard of our entries had been very high.
SP then recounted some of the highlights of the year, which included a night field trip to Tarbert and the presentation given by Robin Millar “From Print to Painting”. Unfortunately, the bad summer weather curtailed our West Coast Sunset field trip and our annual BBQ.
Both the Summer Competition and annual Print of The Year were very successful. SP won the Summer Competition and Mark Gray won the POTY. SP commented that it was great to see a country member winning a competition.
Our annual exhibition of photography in July was one of the most successful ever with a very high quality of prints on display. SP also made mention of our Chinese Whispers project, which culminated in an excellent club evening in April, with the results also being on display at the exhibition. SP thanked everyone who had participated in these events. SP then finished his report by thanking the other committee members who had helped make his year as chairman such a success.

Statement of Accounts: Julia had previously circulated accounts for 2014/15 and she reported that the end of year balance had improved on the previous year. It was pointed out by a member that the accounts did not include income and expenditure from the annual exhibition of photography in July. Julia explained that these items had not gone through the bank until after the end of the reporting period. Therefore the balance would now in fact be over £200 greater than shown in the accounts. The accounts were thereafter proposed by DM and seconded by MR.

Election of Office Bearers:
Chairman: Dave Mercer – proposed by JD and seconded by RG
Secretary: Alasdair Bennett – proposed by SP and seconded by MG with AB stating this would definitely be his last year as secretary
Treasurer: Julia Dancer – Proposed by RG and seconded by CR
Competition Secretary: Dave Mercer – prosed by AB and seconded by MR
Committee Members: Susi Lunn – proposed by DM and seconded by JD Rachael Grant – proposed by JD and seconded by SP
Johnny Durnan – proposed by RG and seconded by DM

SP then handed over to DM who chaired the rest of the meeting
JD suggested that committee meetings be held in The Glen and DM agreed to
explore this option with Bill/May (subsequently agreed with them).
It was agreed that subscriptions would remain at £15 with £2 payable on club
evenings to cover tea/coffee, with a minimum of £15 going to The Glen.

The AGM was concluded at 7.50pm with members remaining to discuss the club
programme for 2015/16

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