23-04-10 Drama Drama Drama
Not one but three.

Once again the Carradale Drama Group have cleared the table with lifting three cups at the 62nd Argyll Drama Festival held in Ardrishaig Village hall over the three nights 21st to 23rd April.

They won the cup for best overall,best comedy and best acting.Ten clubs took part,three on Wednesday night,four Thursdays with Carradale on this night and lastly three on Friday night.The club scored over their group on Thursday then to go on and be overall winners of which they are overjoyed.

Just a mention that Margaret Leighton had to jump in at the last moment as one of the cast Shelagh (Cameron) had been admitted to hospital for some checks. We wish Sheila a speedy recovery and well done to Margaret on her performance.The first three photos are the group on the Thursday night at a meal in the Argyll Hotel and of in the hall when the adjudicator announced they had won Thursday nights performance.

Bottom pics are of the winners with the adjudicator Lynda Henderson, Tony Leighton with the cups and Lynda Henderson,afterwords for some snacks in the Argyll Hotel with Margaret is still in shock.A full list of winners I will post later.

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