23-02-06 Melons at the Parsonage
No, not an oblique reference to yet another Sky TV re-run of 'The Vicar of Dibbley', but Carradale Drama Group's very successful production of Nick Warburton's play "Melons at the Parsonage" with which they won their section last night in the SCDA Drama Festival at Campbeltown.

Bravo to all involved.

The next meeting of the East Kintyre Community Council is on Thursday, 2 March 2006, at 7pm in the village hall. Items on the agenda include the following:

Public Paths and Signposts
War memorial Ground
Bridge Coping Stone
Relocation of Recycling Bins
Overtaking Signs
Ingress of Rainwater at Saddell
Sirolli Meeting
The Spout Wood
Tosh's Park and Hill 60 Sub-Strata
Wellpark Planning Application
Windfarm Trust Grant Applications

The meeting after this will be held on Thursday, 6 April 2006. Same time, same venue.
[Melons at the Parsonage]

Looking for a boat? A little bit of Carradale history? Look no further than internet auction site EBay where the Carradale fishing boat 'Remembrance' is being auctioned. Having been built as a ring-net Herring boat she has spent her recent years fishing for Scallops.

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