22-10-16 Carradale Play Park
Help raise £5,000 to replace equipment in our local swing park and improve the fencing and surfacing.

Our wee play park in Carradale, Kintyre, needs some TLC so we are fundraising for new equipment, fencing and surfacing.
Recently a couple of key pieces have given causes for concern and one, the aerial slide, has been condemned by the insurers. The other, an activity tower, has been deemed potentially unsafe as there is no barrier at the top.
Our immediate aim is to replace these two pieces and we are applying to various funding sources, including the Big Lottery, the Macrobert Trust and the Robertson Trust, to name a few.
The East Kintyre Wind Farm Trust has agreed to match any funds we raise.
The park is such an important part of our community - it is vital that local children have a safe, outdoor place in which to play. It would be really devastating for our youngsters if the park was left to fall into disrepair and inevitable closure.

Please help us by giving what you can. This is such a worthy cause and will make a huge difference to a small community.

Click HERE for more info and if you would like to donate.

[The Carradale Goat]

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