21-12-13 East Kintyre Community Council
November meeting minutes and Windfarm Trust applications.

Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall 28th November 2013.

Approved Minutes
Stuart Irvine (Convenor), Elisabeth McMillan (Treasurer), Ronnie Brownie, Lindsey Mercer, Robert Strang, Dominic Ryan, Hilary Oman, Eleanor Sloan (Secretary).
2 Councillors – Anne Horn, John McAlpine.
15 Members of the public

Please note – the Inaugural meeting of the EKCC took place with Charles Reppke in attendance
from 7pm – 8pm.

1. Welcome and apologies:
No apologies
At 8pm - Stuart Irvine welcomed attendees and started the meeting.
2. Treasurers report – opening balance
As of midday on 28/11/13
The balance of the EKCC bank account stands at £2398.03,
However one cheque (£15.20) has yet to be cashed, so –
True balance is £2372.73

3. Dates of Future Meetings
The date for the next meeting will be 19th December 2013
We discussed the new arrangement for meetings to be held on the last Thursday of the month, this will suit everyone.
We discussed how we would like the minutes to be distributed and we agreed that ES will do them in DRAFT form, these will be emailed to A&B Council, and then when they are approved at the next meeting they would then be emailed to interested bodies.

4. Emergency Plan
Eleanor reported that she has met with Shelagh and that Shelagh has prepared most of the plan, it was agreed to liaise with Alan Walker and Sheena Ramsay about a public meeting in the village hall ASAP
John McAlpine told us that he had talked to Dr Elder re an emergency generator for the surgery.

ACTION – ES to arrange meeting ASAP

5. Playpark
Zurich insurance have advised EKCC that 9 pieces of equipment in the Play Park are faulty, so a meeting with the EKCC (owners of Well park) and the new CAPP (Carradale Activities Play Park) committee was called for 3/11/13. After the meeting it was suggested that Stuart and Robert supervise the arrangements for the repairs to be made in a timely manner. In the meantime the play area is closed to the public.

ACTION – SI & RS to supervise arrangements for repairs

6. SSE
Robert Strang attended the meeting hosted by SSE, and brought some information, he told us that there will be new towers being installed from Crossaig to Carradale.
A member of the public told us about the SSE website and that it has useful information on it.
Robert commented that the B842 was supposed to have been upgraded to cope with the heavy traffic that is using it, and this has not happened. There is estimated to be about 3000 lorries using the road over the next year or so. Stuart read out an email from Neil Anderson, regarding passing places and SSE traffic, some existing passing places will be upgraded and extended, large loads will use the forestry road, roads will be cleaned regularly and there will be new passing places created. We were told that any repair work on the B842 is to be carried out by ABC and reimbursed by SSE.
A member of the public asked about gritting on the B842 and Anne Horn said that it had been discussed at the Community Safety Forum and that gritting the B842 would be looked at more favourably this year as there is more traffic on the road. Eleanor commented that this is unfair as local people use this road everyday to travel to work etc and they deserve to be safe on the roads no matter how many folk travel on the road. Stuart passed around winter safety leaflets that Charles Reppke brought with him.

• Robert told us that he would like the little bridge that leads from the Tinkers track to Naomi’s walk to be covered with wire mesh to make it less slippy.
ACTION - RS to contact the FC to see if they would do it
• Both Tom Adams and Eleanor mentioned the ongoing situation with the lack of a safety bollard at the end of the village hall path, this leaves a dangerous exit and exposed and not sign-posted, families are using the path more frequently and the community have approached the EKCC a few times before about this, Anne Horn offered to support this
ACTION – Anne Horn to take this forward and report back.
• Tom Adams told us that Gloria Siggins is interested in helping to fundraise for renovating the memorial garden near the village shop.
• Tom asked if the owner ship of the path leading to the village hall has ever been transferred to the EKCC
ACTION – Stuart to look into.
• Alan Walker asked about the possibility of putting speed bumps along the Shore Road to slow the traffic down, and Eleanor has been asked to discuss the possibility of changing the speed limit in the village from 30mph to 20mph. We agreed to put this on the next meetings agenda.
ACTION – Stuart to put on next agenda.
• Johnny Durnan told us that a part of the road near the network has a white line in the wrong place – already this has caused burst tyres. It seemed that quite a few of the new white lines are in the wrong place.
• John McAlpine suggested that we invite some officers of the council along to the next meeting (the January one) to listen to many of our concerns, it was agreed to do this.
ACTION – John McAlpine to invite officers to January meeting

8. Stuart thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 8.35pm

9. An EKWFT meeting followed

Date of next EKCC meeting 9th January 2914 ....Roads and lighting on the agenda,hopefully someone from roads will be in attendance.

WIND FARM TRUST MEETING Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall 28th November 2013

Draft Minutes
Stuart Irvine, Elisabeth McMillan, Ronnie Brownie, Lindsey Mercer, Robert Strang, Hilary Oman, Eleanor Sloan, Alan Walker, Donald McAllister-Hall

1. Bids
We had £8500 in our account -
We had applications from 7 groups and after discussion we agreed to give –

• SCDA - £1000

This came to total of £8375

We discussed a late golf club bid (it missed the dead line) so we agreed that it will come out of the May tranche for a total of £2120
We felt this was a good bid and worthy of support, and agreed it in advance.

2. Co-opted members
As this is a new committee and we have had one resignation from a co-opted member, we agreed to discuss the possibility of inviting new co-opted members – We had suggestions of Alistair Bennet, Morag Adams and Kenneth Semple. Alan Walker and Donald McAllister-Hall offered to stand down. It was agreed for Stuart to approach the possible new members and gauge their interest in attending the twice yearly meetings.

Many thanks to the retiring co-opted members for all their time and efforts in the past years.

3. Stuart thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed 9pm

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