21-03-14 East Kintyre Community Council
Minutes of the meeting 13th March 2014.

Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall 13th March 2014



Stuart Irvine (Convenor), Elizabeth McMillan (Treasurer), Lindsey Mercer, Robert Strang, Ronnie Brownie, Eleanor Sloan (Secretary), Hilary Oman
Speakers - Neil Wilson – SSE, Deirdre Henderson – Service Manager, Macmillan Cancer Info & Support Service

7 Members of the public

1. Welcome and apologies:

At 7pm - Stuart Irvine welcomed attendees and started the meeting.

Apologies from - Dominic Ryan, John McAlpine, Robin Currie, Ann Horn.


Neil Wilson – SSE Operations Manager for Argyll and the Highlands.
Neil told us that a lot of the problems with power failure, are things hitting the lines and blowing the fuses. Modern equipment is due to be installed very soon and this will mean that wind blown debris will only cause a short-term outage.
Power surges at Tosh’s Park were mentioned and Neil agreed to get some voltage meters to JD to test the system.
We talked about the situation of blown over trees and branches that can cause longer outages, Neil explained that SSE are responsible for maintenance cuts (trims away from line) and resilient cuts (cutting right back.) Resilient cuts need permission from the landowner, and this can be very tricky, and some landowners will not allow these cuts to happen. It was suggested that if some areas were a problem and landowners were resistant then the EKCC would support SSE with a letter to show the community were concerned about the state of the trees. The committee agreed that it seems wrong to allow one owner to stop a plan of management that will affect so many people, and EKCC are happy to help SSE, appropriately, in this situation.
A member of the public said that the area around the village hall seemed to be the last area to come back to power after a failure. Especially if using a generator. It was pointed out that the village hall will be the emergency hub and will therefore need to take priority, in an emergency.

Deirdre Henderson - Service manager, Macmillan Cancer Info & Support Service
This new service is offering a drop in at the library, Thursdays 11-3, the drop in is an opportunity to chat and discuss any concerns you may have about cancer, a long term health condition, or the cancer or health condition of someone you know. This is not a medical service but the volunteers offer a listening ear and access to a vast resource of support available in our area.
Deirdre is keen to visit any local group that may be interested to know more, to chat about the work that they are doing. Contact details for Deirdre are – deirdre.henderson@argyll-bute.gov.uk
Campbeltown library – 01586 555937.

2. Minutes
Approved - proposed by Robert Strang, seconded by Lindsey Mercer.

3. Matters arising
Eleanor has arranged a beach clean for 22/3/14 on Carradale Bay

4. Treasurers report – opening balance
As of 13/3/2014
The balance of the EKCC bank account stands at £2012.83

5. Roads – survey
Dominic and Alasdair have been issuing the questionnaire out around the village, they will be collating the results very soon and will bring them to the next meeting. Stuart read out an email containing feedback from Stewart Clark (ABC road dept) – this addressed the issues raised at the meeting 09/01/14. The gist of it is that some of the work has been addressed, and some not. We felt that the issue of speed limits within the village was not suffiently answered and Alasdair Bennett offered to write to Stewart Clark with our response.
ACTION – AB liaise with DR to compose a letter to Stewart Clark

6. Emergency Plan
ES updated the meeting and said that the subgroup met and the completion of the full plan is underway. The bags have arrived and one has been given to Peninver Village Hall and one to Carradale Village Hall.

7. Playpark/Wellpark
RS reported that the bark in the playpark will be replaced when the weather improves and the welding will be done then too.
Action – RS to arrange bark and welding when appropriate
SI reported that the new Wellpark Committee has been created and consists of 2 members of the Football club, 2 – Cricket Club, 2 - Play Park, 2 - EKCC (Stuart Irvine and Robert Strang).
This committee may only meet infrequently (twice a year) but can be convened if needs must. Lindsey questioned the proposed infrequency of the meeting, and it was discussed that the committee would be called if there was a need. Lindsey also mentioned that this committee should be more pro-active and make more of the area, developmentally and repair wise, this was duly noted.

Stuart mentioned at this point that he has been approached by SSE who are keen to do some goodwill work within our area, and are looking for ideas to consider – ideas noted during discussion were –
• Finish repairs at the Play Park
• Filling in potholes/resurfacing car park of village hall
• Helping to create a community composting site
• Improving the access to the church and to Brackley cemetery

8. SSE
SSE ‘s public information afternoon/evening in the Hotel on 18/02/14, was not considered to be a great success and one member of the public didn’t feel it was as good as it could have been .
A discussion ensued regarding the state of the B842.
• It was suggested that with the holiday season approaching – that a sign should be placed at Redhouse informing caravanners that the road may be unsuitable and they should go via Campbeltown.
• It had been noted that the morning gritting is being done long after the heavy traffic starts moving on the B842.
• We decided to ask the Councillors to look into the situation where large trucks are not using the Cross Kintyre Road (SSE call this the Haul Road) and are using the B842 instead, the Cross Kintyre Road was created to keep large trucks off the B842.
The state of the B842 is steadily getting worse and worse.
Action – SI to report our concerns to the local Councillors

9. Antler
Again no change – hoping for an Easter production – anyone interested in submitting an article – contact Dom. dominic@wordshq.co.uk

10. Path between Hall and School
The large sign has been removed.
There is a small home-made sign on the main road and it was suggested this should be moved further back towards the village for more effect.
Action – Sign to be moved

11. Peninver – Lussa Road
Scottish water hired a contractor to sort the water problem, and all was proceeding until a local resident stopped the work on the grounds of road safety. There is to be a meeting 13/03/14 and it is hoped a resolution will be found.

12. WW1
No Tom tonight so no updates.
Alasdair told us that the War memorial had been removed from the Wee Church (it is due to be sold soon) and taken to Saddell church.

13. Residents ramp at Broomfield
Updates from this are – the Access ramp positioning needs to be re-assessed. Robin Currie and John McAlpine are pushing ahead with this issue.

14. ACHA
After their attendance at the last meeting, SI received a letter of reply from ACHA, they addressed some of the points raised at 13/03/14, they included a complaints form should EKCC choose to send in a complaint on behalf of the tenants.
• Timber clad properties at Tosh’s Park – they have received a visit from Iain Mcleod, and they are progressing with improvements. JD confirmed that he has had a visit.
• Re- dual heating systems - ACHA confirmed that they will allow a tenant to keep an existing coal fire but they must sign a mandate to take on the responsibility of care for it. There will be a separate heating system provided by ACHA.
• ACHA responded to the request for the heating policy to be revisited by saying if there is any dissatisfaction a complaints form should be filled in and sent to ACHA.
• Car parking lines at Tormhor and Woodside – ACHA said that the only way they would paint lines for parking would be for reasons of health and safety or disability, and neither of these car parks fit these criteria.
• The Residents Ramp at Broomfield has been referred back to the OT. ACHA will update the resident.
It was felt that EKCC should keep the pressure on ACHA to keep their tenants satisfied.
Stuart predicted that ACHA will be out of business this time next year and ABC will be back in control of the housing stock
Overall Action- EKCC to be aware of the standard of ACHA’s responses and work within the area, and to respond accordingly.

15. AOCB
• There has been fly tipping at Grianan, Robert to raise this at the next Crime Prevention Panel.
Action – RS to raise at next CPP meeting
• Eleanor received an email from David Jardine, Forest District Manager FCS, in response to our request for updates of forestry works locally. He says that the FCS is currently updating their website and the new one will have details and locations of all the works going on. He is keen to have a good working relationship with EKCC and has suggested a member of FCS staff attend a meeting to discuss anything going on within the community. EKCC agreed this and ES will arrange.
ES also asked FCS about helping to arrange community composting, it was suggested meeting with the GRAB trust, Campbeltown Community Garden and FCS, to discuss further. ES to follow up.
Action – ES to contact FCS – re meeting and Composting
• SI received an email from Celia Holgate re- a village wind turbine. Stuart couldn’t find the email and couldn’t remember many of the details, so it was agreed to ask SI to email Celia for more info.
Action – SI to contact Celia Holgate
• Play park accounts – SI passed around the play park annual accounts – April 2013. This led to a discussion about the money awarded to the play park at the last wind farm trust meeting. It was agreed to postpone the discussion about this until the next meeting of the EKWFT (08/05/14).
• Stuart reminded us that the next tranche of the wind farm trust will be available very soon and the closure date for applications is 30/04/14 – to be discussed at the meeting on 08/05/14.
16. Date of next meeting

7pm – 10th April 2014

Stuart thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 8.47pm.

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