21-02-10 Residents Push For B842 Change
From a priority three to a priority two.

This was expressed by many residents at the last East Kintyre Community Council meeting for the Carradale to Claonaig road.At the moment this road is not gritted,but if the priority was changed this would make life easier for all who use it and aspecially after the bad spell of weather.

Many locals use this route daily,for work, children getting to school, the doctor and the emergency services.Recently it was closed due to the bad weather (lack of gritting) and some minor accidents which could have been more serious but luckily not.

One local resident Elizabeth Vischer had a lucky escape from her car which rolled over and along with the support of others has started a petition for these changes.

Copies of the petitions can be had at either of the two local post offices in Carradale.The petition reads:

"We the undersigned users of the B842 road between Carradale and Claonaig request that Argyll and Bute Council upgrade this section of the B842 so that it is gritted when necessary and kept in a proper state of repair.We believe that it is vital to maintain access at all times.
Recent bad weather highlited the lack of council provision when workers could not travel to work, children could not get to school, the doctor and nurses were cut off from their patients and access to the emergency services denied"

Please sign this petition, name, address and how often you use the road whether it be work,leisure or school run.

The road has suffered badly over the winter and with the coming tourist/visitor season approaching it needs to be kept up to a roadworthy standard.Some scrub cutting is also needing to be done on stretches of the road.

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