20-08-13 Community Council
September meeting ?.... and note from Convenor.

Please see attachment in the absence of a meeting. If anyone feels strongly about having a meeting
we can reconsider.

Dear all,

I do not see the need for a meeting on Thursday, 5 September as there was an informal meeting held in the Carradale Hotel earlier this month when most of the Council were present.

May I therefore take this opportunity of thanking everyone for their support and contributions while I was Convenor.

When we last had a postal vote election for the Council over 8 years ago, there was an excellent response from the public, over 90% returned their paper. Let’s hope we get a similar response this year. The role of the Community Council is mainly to represent our area and its inhabitants in matters in relation to Argyll and Bute Council.

I am pleased to say that there will be a representative from Peninver included in the eight places but no-one from Saddell despite having spoken to a number of people there. It is hoped that some other names will be put forward so that there will be a larger choice from which to form the new Council.

The following is a final report to conclude our business in the absence of a meeting.

1. Finance: We have finally received the account from Donald MacLean Contractors in regard to the Port Righ Steps. At least three of the local residents have commented on a small number of “snagging” issues which it is hoped will be addressed before we release the final payment..

2. Emergency Plan: A meeting is being held by the Village Hall Committee to discuss the desired location for the hub. It is a straight choice of Hall v School. Shelagh has emailed details to the Hall Committee with her views on pros and cons of each. Once the decision is taken in regard to which location will be used, a public meeting will be held for a general discussion and agreement on the way forward.

3. Scrub Cutting: It appears that some cutting has been carried out but this is mail in relation to grass verges and not overhanging branches.

It will be up to the new Council to pick up from where we all left it.

Stuart Irvine
Councillors comments:

Dear All

I am surprised that there isn't going to be a September meeting.
A number of residents have expressed their concern over signage at junctions and would like it to be discussed and reported. I have reported it but as we know, reporting from CC can sometimes carry a bit more weight.
I am happy to attend a CC meeting in September to help tie up any loose ends for the incoming elected community councillors.

Shelagh Cameron
Happy either way, although 'loose end tie ups' were touched on at the hotel meeting.

With regard to the signage at the main junctions (I'm assuming this is in connection with new signs and not old ones) I too had received complaints and concerns from locals and holiday makers alike. This has been dealt with by me and I received a call this morning.
The one coming in at the glen from skipness is to be removed immediately due to it being deemed dangerous for visibility. Planning applications and reviews for the other ones are to be lodged with ABC (Alan Milstead has been contacted.)
The other road issue there was the white lines and right of way 'understanding'. This has also been sorted although in a slightly shambolic way (you require a very narrow car to be on your side of the road at one point!)

Thomas Adams

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