20-07-11 The Skiff Mhairi
In memory of those lost at sea.

This plaque on the wall at the harbour in Carradale was unveiled by family and friends at a service back in May.Below letter to the Antler Editor from a relative.

[The Carradale Goat] [The Carradale Goat]

23 /05 /11
I was amazed and somewhat disappointed that there was no report in the June edition of Antler of the unveiling of the McIntosh commemorative plaque at C/dale harbour on 7th May.
These men were local fishermen who lost their lives in a harrowing disaster 100years ago consequently decimating a family.The Service held at the harbour was a quiet,dignified and poignant one.Many McIntosh descendants had travelled a considerable to attend.
One family had driven up from Appleby.Surely this was a piece of local news worthy of publication, especially since you had published details of the disaster some years back.May I express grateful thanks to Duncan and Gail McIntosh who had organised this event and to

Matthew Ramsay who conducted the Service.

Edith Mcintosh.

Dear Edith,
Many thanks for your e-mail.I agree. I was not told of the date of the ceremony nor invited.Johnny Durnan was in the same position. The first I heard of it was when it appeared in the ‘Courier’.If we are not informed of events, meetings or minutes there is little we can do.
In the final analysis I assumed that (a) it was a family affair, (b) that only fishing families were told, or (c) they don’t like or appreciate the work that Johnny does with the ‘Carradale Goat’ or that I have continued to do with ‘The Antler’ for almost twenty years.
A similar attitude seems to be taken by other organisations – the Hall, men’s golf, football, cricket, the surgery, pool, the community council, church and many others. At times, with this lack of interest, criticism from some readers, it hardly seems worth continuing.

Geoffrey Page

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