We had a collossal thunder storm here over the weekend resulting in a short power cut and the river full of flood water from the hills. It has cleared the air a lot though and the mist and low cloud that had plagued us for nearly a week was finally banished yesterday afternoon. We appear to have gotten off lightly though. The newspaper is full of reports of flooding and helicopter rescues from flash-floods over the weekend as nearly an inch of rain fell in just a few hours. There's more work afoot tomorrow as volunteers continue work up at the football pitch. It's hoped to get the goalposts erected and a lot of the debris and junk carted away. It'll be a long job but interest in a village football team is high again and a fund-raising fun-day is planned for later in the summer. And finally, I see Penny and Sue up at The Glen Bar have a van for sale. It's a 1.9 litre LDV and is, I'm told, an excellent runner. Contact The Glen is you're interested. (Sorry Penny but I couldn't resist the picture!) | ![]() NOT the Van Penny and Sue are selling! |