20-06-05 Splish Splash Splosh
We had a collossal thunder storm here over the weekend resulting in a short power cut and the river full of flood water from the hills. It has cleared the air a lot though and the mist and low cloud that had plagued us for nearly a week was finally banished yesterday afternoon.

We appear to have gotten off lightly though. The newspaper is full of reports of flooding and helicopter rescues from flash-floods over the weekend as nearly an inch of rain fell in just a few hours.

There's more work afoot tomorrow as volunteers continue work up at the football pitch. It's hoped to get the goalposts erected and a lot of the debris and junk carted away. It'll be a long job but interest in a village football team is high again and a fund-raising fun-day is planned for later in the summer.

And finally, I see Penny and Sue up at The Glen Bar have a van for sale. It's a 1.9 litre LDV and is, I'm told, an excellent runner. Contact The Glen is you're interested.

(Sorry Penny but I couldn't resist the picture!)
[NOT the van Penny & Sue are selling!]
NOT the Van Penny and Sue are selling!

From: Les Oman, Campbeltown
Date: 20 June 2005
Subject: Dalriada Festival 2005

The Dalriada Festival is another classic example of history being tampered with for no great purpose.
The ancient sea kingdom of Dalriada was originally Antrim and Kintrye and eventually took in Mid-Argyll. Whether they like it or not, Kintyre was the birthplace of what we now know as Scotland (hence the MOK music festival's Cradle of the Nation strapline and it's new Dalriada Connections event) and it's always galling to see the ignorance exhibited by quangos like Forest Enterprise, who should know better, mucking around in this way. Hope this doesn't sound to parochial because it's not meant to be - I'm all for a Dalriada Festival, provided it includes the whole of Dalriada, but first the organisers of the existing DF would have to take a long hard look at what they are promoting. Is it really anything to do with Dalriada at all or is it just a fancy, badly- researched title on which to hang some fairly mundane localised events? Sorry for rant!

All the best

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