19-11-12 Anyone Lose A Parcel
It can be collected at Abbeyfield lost property office before it gets too smelly.

Whoever he or she may be, they go to the bother of bagging their dog sh*t and tossing the bags were it suits them.This is not the first it has happened within the garden grounds of Abbeyfield Residential house Carradale.This parcel was dropped just inside the main house gate by the path as you can see in the photo, further dog foulings have been found in the garden by owners not having their dogs on leads,this will not be tolerated.All dogs must be on a lead passing through Abbeyfield grounds.Offenders may be reported to the Dog Warden and the Police who in the mean time will be notified of this incident.

The dumping of bagged dog poo is an ongoing issue throughout the village and beaches as I have been told by responsible dog owners.

The dog fouling campaign is being pushed forward again,this issue was highlighted at the August meeting of (MAKI) Mid Argyll,Kintyre,Islay Community Safety Forum of which I am a member,and further posters are ongoing.

[The Carradale Goat] [The Carradale Goat]
Comments Re: 19-11-12 Anyone Lose A Parcel.

This seems to be a nation wide problem as here in Nottinghamshire I find neatly tied up parcels hanging in Hedges and bushes along footpaths,bridleways and country lanes where it will stay for the next 200 years.

Philip Eames.

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