19-10-05 EKWFT Meeting
Last night's meeting of the East Kintyre Wind Farm Trust was a fairly subdued event, with only three members of the community in attendance to observer the night's deliberations.

The meeting opened at 7pm with a breakdown of finances. Of the £17,000 received earlier in the year it is standard practise to set aside 10% for the Common Good Fund, for later years when cheques will no longer be coming.

This reduced the total sum to £15,300. Of this some £10,198 had already been granted to projects in the first tranche earlier in the year, leaving just £5,102 available for distribution tonight.

Applications considered, and the respective decisions were as follows:

ApplicantRequired ForTotal OutlayRequestedGranted
Carradale AFCPurchase and erection of equipment shed.£1750£1350£1350
It was felt that the football team is a very important part of the community in general, and deserving of support.
Peninver PlayersHire of hall and offset of transport costs.£500£150
Peninver Village HallArchitects fees for designing landscaping for area around village hall.£1175£500Declined
This application was for preparation work and there was no guarantee that the project would go forward as a result of the plans.
Carradale Village HallContribution towards running costs.£7221£4285£1400
It was noted that Peninver village hall had received similar funding from the last tranche.
Tarbert Village HallContribution towards repairs, maintenance and running costs of the village hall.£5000Declined
Tarbert is outwith the area covered by the EKWFT and does not substantially provide services to which residents of the area make use.
Kintyre Marketing GroupFunding towards provision of a full time projects officer for the Kintyre Way.£175,000£2500£1250
The application was for a grant to cover 3 yrs. It was recommended that the KMG apply for further funding next year.
Argyll & Bute Regional Environmental ForumEnvironmental Fair (Campbeltown)£400£400
Despite the retrospective aspect of this application it was felt that the positive benefits of the project out-weighed this.
War Research SocietyPrinting costs for book on Kintyre war dead.£150£150£150
It was noted that the printing costs were small compared to the costs incurred in researching this historical record.
East Kintyre Community CouncilClearing overgrown footpaths.£150£150£150
It was noted that the actual cost of this project may fall short of the amount claimed.
Carradale Activity PlayparkContribution towards cost of fireworks for bonfire night celebrations.£500£300£150

The total of grants approved came to £5000.

Positive comment was passed on what a good job had been made of the war memorial, with clarification of what outdoor furniture was to be supplied by the Employability Team.

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