19-08-07 Seeker Reaper
[Seeker, Reaper comes to Carradale]"Seeker, Reaper" is coming to Carradale!

An audio-visual production of George Campbell Hay's epic poem "Seeker, Reaper" by Eddie Stiven and Lachie Paterson.

When Hay wrote of the Scottish Herring industry in 1947 it was still going strong, with little sign of the decline that was to affect it in later years.

His tale takes the listener from the Isle of Man to the Butt of Lewis, and beyond, in the search for the 'Silver Darlings'.

Accompanying Eddie Stiven's fine oratory will be images from Lachie Paterson's extensive collection of period photographs plus music from The Wild Sarachs.

Tickets cost £7 and are available from either of the village shops.

Carradale Village Hall
Sat 25th August
At 7.30pm

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