18-11-08 Pudsey in Carradale
Carradale Primary had a fun day on friday 14th November to raise money for Children In Need.
Primary 5,6,7 organised fun activities for the whole school: face painting, sport activities, Pin The Patch on Pudsey, Jelly Eating, Baking Stall, Pudsey's Birthday, Treasure Map and more.

Winners were:

Guess Pudsey's Birthday- Glynn Harvey
Treasure Map, prize donated by Paterson's Shop- Jim Semple
Sport Activities 1st- Louisa West, 2nd Equal- Niall Gemmill and Micheal Charlwood
Pin the Patch on Pudsey- Jordon McKenzie and Micheal Charlwood
Choose a Pudsey- Oskar Baxter.

We raised the fantastic amount of £210 and we would like to thank everyone who helped on the day, donated baking and to Paterson's Shop and Semples Garage for having Pudsey's Birthday and the Treasure Map to let everyone have a chance of winning.
Thanks once again, Miss Galbraith.

Goat note: Well done to all and to Lynn for her great effort.

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