15-06-05 Pavilion Pictures
There was a meeting of the Playpark Committee yesterday evening to appoint new officers and to discuss various items.
High on the agenda, of course, was the recent vandalism to the pavilion. The full extent of the damage is quite shocking. Two internal wall have been totally smashed to pieces and there are holes in several others. A wall-mirror was broken and a toilet cistern was also destroyed, in addition to the damage to the frame when the main door was kicked-in.
I took a number of photographs of the damage in case anyone is still in any doubt as to the seriousness of the vandalism. You can see these by clicking on the following link: Pavilion Pictures
The costs of repair will clearly run into hundreds of pounds and will set back the renovations to the pavilion and playpark in general. It would be hoped that the costs could be recovered from the perpetrators but as the two girls charged with the offenses are minors this seems unlikely, assuming they are successfully convicted, unless someone were to volunteer to make reparations.
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