15-03-15 EKCC
Minutes meeting 5 March 2015.
Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall 5th March February 2015
Stuart Irvine (SI) (Convenor), Dominic Ryan (DR), Lindsey Mercer (LM), Eleanor Sloan (ES) (Secretary), Robert Strang (RS) Elizabeth McMillan (EMcM)
• Mhari Kennedy & Catherine Walker from Scottish Power Renewables
• Andy Malkin & Pat How from SSE
• PC Harper - Police Scotland
• 1 Councillor – John McAlpine (JMA)
• 11 Members of the public (MoP)
1. Welcome and apologies -
At 7pm - Stuart Irvine welcomed attendees and started the meeting.
Apologies from Ronnie Brownie, Robin Curry.
2. Minutes – 04/12/14
proposed by Robert Strang, seconded by Elizabeth McMillan
3. Matters arising
SI has contacted ACHA and proposed that they concentrate on 3 houses in the village (2 at Tosh's Park and one at School Park - arguably, the homes in worst state of repair). He has asked for a report on each house with a proposal of works to be done and a delivery date. This has been agreed by ACHA and SI has given them until 15/3/15 to contact the tenants - if this contact is not made - tenants must contact SI ASAP
ACHA also told SI that they plan to clad all their properties within the next year.
Johnny Durnan said that he is set to go to the Press with his concerns, if nothing is done soon
Action – Tenants to keep SI updated on ACHA contact
5. Treasurers report
As of 5/3/15 - the balance of the EKCC bank account stands at £2234.83
We welcomed Andy Malkin and Pat How from SSE to our meeting, and they gave us an update on the situation at Crossaig.
The service road will be completed this month. The transformers are on their way and are due in April. All of the towers have now been signed off and will be connected 2 - 2 ½ months from now. After that all the relevant ground will be reinstated.
Work is ongoing for the laying of the undersea cable and the cable is hoped to be on the barge and into the sea in May, this will take 4 days to lay. This is all repeated with a second cable until mid August. A large barge will bring rocks from Norway (as is contracted) to cover the sea bed and cable.
Wiring crews and engineers are now arriving on site for the next phase of the works.
On 9/3/15 there will be an overnight spreading of 2km of overlay, within the Crossaig to Carradale section of the road that SSE are responsible for, this responsibility will continue until May 2015.
Some bellmouths and passing places are still to be finished off.
Argyll and Bute Council have told SSE that they will repair the damaged sections of the B842 before 16/3/15. SSE offered to fill in potholes on the north part of the B842 but the offer was declined by ABC. JMcA asked which ABC officer was dealing with this - Dougie Lang.
SI thanked SSE for the works they have done for our community.
AM said that Sandy McCuish will liaise with RS regarding other jobs to be done - when he has some free time.
If there are any jobs around the area that you feel SSE could help with - please contact Eleanor Sloan and she can direct your enquiry to Andy Malkin
(Eleanor Sloan - midsummer.bracken@tiscali.co.uk 431524)
All faults with the undersea cable are now fixed
SSE will arrange with EKCC for another trip up to the site to see what is happening April/May 2015.
June is when there will be an overnight switch from old towers to new towers.
ES fedback that the school visit organised by SSE at Lochgilphead Joint Campus had been very successful, and she knew of one pupil specifically who decided to chose a career in mechanics after his visit.
Andy asked if there are any concerns to get in touch with Eleanor Sloan and it would be passed on to him.
SI thanked Andy and Pat for attending and giving us an update on the works.
Action – RS to liaise with Sandy McCuish re jobs around the area.
SSE to arrange date for community trip to site
7. Phase 3 Beinn an Tuirc
Mhari Kennedy and Catherine Walker came from Scottish Power Renewables to give us some information and a presentation on Phase 3 of the Beinn an Tuirc windfarm.
It is expected to submit a planning application this Spring for 19 new turbines to be raised.
The construction period will be 18 months.
These turbines will have an operational period of 25 years.
Copies of the environmental statements will be available for public viewing at accessible locations - the EKCC will be advised when and where these are available.
As before there will be community funding benefits available from the extra turbines.
Local manufacture of the turbines would be favoured but the procurement process cannot guarantee this.
The Turbines will be key holed into the forest.
Any further questions can be passed on via Eleanor Sloan.
SI thanked Mhari and Catherine for attending and for their informative presentation.
8. ABC Onshore renewables 13/3
As we had no information about this - it was not covered. SI will look into it and report back
Action – SI to find out more and report back
9. ABC governance training 9/3/15
No-one was interested in attending this.
10. Planning
There was a question from the floor regarding 2 plots at Broomfield, the EKCC were not aware
of this and SI to write to planning dept for more info and SI to write to Macleods for more info over ownership of the land.
Action – SI to write to Planning Dept and Macleods for more info.
11. Slip
SI received another letter from Donna MacDougall regarding the Slip, this letter will be passed to Alan Milstead via Alan walker (who attending the EKCC meeting)
12. Scottish water
SI has written a letter to SW re the water problems over the festive period, he is still awaiting a reply.
13. Community Green waste site
ES is still to contact ABC and SEPA, Johnny Durnan told us that some posters had been put up against fly tipping on Dippen hill.
Action – ES to contact ABC and SLIP
14. Scottish Government Training
No-one was interested in this.
15. Social Media Training
No-one was interested in this.
16. AOCB
• Roads - There is to be a meeting in March with SI, Alasdair Bennett and Stewart Clarke (ABC) to discuss possible changes in the local roads. Si to confirm date and email out to EKCC. Alan Walker asked for speed bumps on Shore road to be on the next agenda. PC Harper said it is not his place (Police Scotland) to be involved in road decisions, JMcA said he felt the Police should be involved.
Action – SI to confirm date.
SI to add Shore Road speed bumps to next agenda
• ES suggested that she email Dougie Lang of ABC roads dept on behalf of the EKCC stating the communities concern over the state of the B842 both North and South of Carradale. All agreed
Action – ES to email ABC over road condition
• ES has received a letter from the British Red Cross offering to run "life saving techniques" training for anyone over the age of 15 - this could be run locally and will cost £15 (but free for young people or anyone over 60) Everyone agreed this would be worth doing and ES will get back in touch with BRC to arrange things.
Action – ES to contact British Red Cross.
• ES recieved a poster from carradale Surgery inviting people to attend a meeting to find out more about the New Out of hours service for Kintyre - date for Carradale is 2/4/15, 2pm - 4pm Village Hall
• JMcA gave us a map from FCS of current felling plans and felling planned for 2015/16.
This was given to ES info - anyone wanting to know more please contact ES.
17. Date of next meeting
7pm – 02/04/15 –
SI will be unable to attend and LM agreed to chair in his absence.
Stuart closed the meeting at 8.30pm and thanked everyone for attending.
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