14-04-16 EKCC Meeting
Minutes of the April 2016 meeting.

Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall
7th April 2016


The evening started with a short AGM

Stuart Irvine(SI)(Convenor), Eleanor Sloan (ES)(Secretary), Robert Strang (RS), Ronnie Brownie(RB), Charles McMillan(CM) Bill Bidmead(BB)

In attendance –
John MacAlpine, Robin Currie, John Armour, PC Harper (PH)
10 Members of the public (MoP)

1. Welcome
At 7pm – Stuart Irvine welcomed attendees and started the meeting.

2. Apologies
Apologies from – Morag Adams

3. New members
a) Elizabeth McMillan is standing down and SI confirmed that Morag Adams and Charles McMillan are happy to be co-opted on until October 2016 – when there will be an election for new councillors
b) The quota of 8 places is still not filled and a proposal was put forward for Ian Brodie to apply for the position of last co-opted member until October 2016 – RB proposed and RS seconded. Ian Brodie agreed to fill the last place until the elections.
4. Financial report
SI handed round the financial report for the EKCC income and expenditure – the balance as of 31/3/16 was £1218.
This ended the AGM

EKCC Monthly meeting

1. Apologies
As above

2. Appointment of Treasurer
SI propose CM to be acting treasurer until the elections in October 2016
SI proposed and RB seconded

3. Minutes of last meeting – 3/3/16
Proposed by Ronnie Brownie, seconded by Robert Strang

4. Matters arising
Flooding at Toshs Park has been rectified.
The work on the car park at Well park is waiting for the Seneval work to begin.
The 1st responder meeting will be held on 14/4/16 at the village hall
The path – “Naomi’s walk” is on the list of 7 that the Gulls clear from April to September and they have cleared it in the last few days. RS has noticed a man hole is leaking there and he will investigate this and report it to the appropriate authority.
Action – RS to check manhole again

5. Treasurers report
Totals given in the AGM financial report.

6. Bay Bridge
After the incident at the bridge when a child fell through the broken handrail part, the bridge was sealed off from the public use and a solution sought asap. Jake Harvey had already agreed to fix it, but when he looked closer he realised that the bridge was not in good repair and quoted for £1800 to replace the bridge completely. The job was done very quickly and the bridge is now open to the public again.

7. Brackley Cemetery
SI updated us that after a meeting a few months ago, with SI, RS and A&B council – it was agreed that grasscrete will be laid in the area where it gets very muddy. It has been suggested that a new entrance and road be laid for better access to the cemetery but it was considered not to be a better solution. It was mentioned that there a few fallen gravestones at the cemetery.

8. Village signs
2 new road signs welcoming people to the village have been erected – however the one north to the village will have to be moved again – this will be undertaken asap.
SI reported that The Glen were concerned that the signs direct traffic towards Carradale east and no mention is given to businesses at the west side of the village. It was pointed out that any traffic heading east has to pass The Glen – so it is hoped they will be noticed as a local business.

9. Planning
There was no relevant planning however RS said that the residents of Tosh’s Park had received a letter re Planning permission sought by the Glen for holiday lets. SI to look into and report back to Councillors
Action – SI to look into planning permission

10. School – re library
No more info on this – Robin Currie said he would support this initiative
ES to look into more and report back
Action – ES to find out more
11. Emergency Plan
ES to arrange emergency plan meeting soon
Action – ES to arrange meeting asap
12. AOCB
• RS reported that there is a missing lid from a water valve opposite the Willens house. RS to contact appropriate authority
Action – RS to report
• The faulty streetlights at Broomfield and Woodside were discussed – they have been off for over a week and there has already been one accident, there has been numerous emails and phone calls and an engineer was at them today. Anne Horn passed on a message that she had spoken to Ryan Mcglynn and he said that they had been fixed – but they were still out – they seem to be coming on during the afternoon.
It was reported that eventually all the streetlights will be replaced by LED ones.
• Brian Gee told us that there is a large piece of machinery at the harbour that is sitting on the public road, JMC agreed to look into this.
• SI reported that he had attended some training regarding planning matters for community councils, and had some paperwork for the other councillors to look at. RB asked if anyone knew the time frame that something large could sit in one place before it was a considered a permanent structure by the planning authority and would require planning permission – no-one knew the answer.
• David Prag gave us some figures from the website – 52 visitors in the last month – he wondered if there was a better way to promote the website. It was suggested that all the local websites joined together in a Carradale hub, keeping their individuality but working from the same Carradale source. A suggestion of printing the website details on each set of minutes and agenda would work better.
• Marine Harvest news – CM told us that there are 10 new cages and this makes 1.5 million fish overall – there are 8 full time workers with 2 more being recruited soon
• ES said that reports of people bagging their dog poo and then leaving the bags lying on the ground were escalating. It was agreed that this is a lazy and shameful practise and needs to be stopped asap. PC Harper said that if 2 people witness someone dumping a poo bag – then tell him and he can pursue it within his Police role.
• Alasdair Bennet asked if there were any updates from the road survey taken last year
Action – SI to chase up
• RC told us that the agreed road improvement plans had been published and B842 from Cloanaig to Carradale is to be surfaced dressed and the B842 at Saddell is to have structural patching
A discussion then ensued about the heavy traffic that was starting to use the Single track road – RS agreed to find out who is doing this and to ask them to attend a meeting to hear the communities concern over the traffic.
Action – RS to find out
• RC asked if there was a demand for more ACHA houses within the village. He said there are 6 people on the waiting list for Carradale but there are a couple of houses sitting empty at the moment. It was generally agreed that more housing was not needed at this time.

13. Date of next meeting
7pm – 5/5/2016

Stuart closed the meeting at 8.15pm and thanked everyone for attending.

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