12-07-05 June Website Statistics
Some fascinating statistics coming out of the webserver here for The Carradale Goat. The stat's record how many times people visit the website, where they're coming from, how long they stay, etc etc.

These are taken from the June statistics:

There were 695 unique visitors and there were 1603 visits and 10955 pages of information were viewed.

The busiest day was June 23 when there were 78 visitors. The slackest day was 18 June when there were only 41.

Sunday was the busiest day, spread over the month, and the busiest time of day is between 12 noon and 1pm.

The site was visited by 7 different 'robots' for the purposes of collecting information about the site to list on search engines with Inktomi and Googlebot being the most frequent visitors.

More than 97% of you are running Windows on your computers, with a little over 1% of you using a Macintosh. The remainder are a mixture of Linux/Unix/AmigaOS and 'others'.

The most popular web browser is MS Internet Explorer with over 89%. Next comes Firefox with nearly 9%.

86% of you are connecting either directly via the Carradale Goat address or via a bookmark entry. 7% of you are coming via a search engine. More than 6% are coming via a link from another website with the commonest being the Undiscovered Scotland website and the Campbeltown Info website.

These statistics are compiled automatically by the webserver and June's figures are up slightly on May. We didn't start recording them until May and so we'll have to wait until next month to see how July fares.

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