11-06-05 Normal Service Resumed I Think
[A Bug!]Visitors to the website the last couple of days may have noticed we had a bit of a glitch, and instead of the normal opening screen there was a large area of blank space. This was caused by a bug in the programs that manage and control the website which has now been fixed.

The website is controlled by a set of what are called Active Server Pages which basically means that a program runs on the computer and generates the pages you see, rather than them being simply static pages as you see on most websites.

This makes it very quick and easy to manage and operate the site. However anyone with ASP experience will tell you that debugging a faulty VBScript program can be difficult and time-consuming.

It's all fixed now though.
[A Bug!]

I'm also pleased to report that Strathclyde Police have formally charged two girls with offenses related to the vandalism committed to the Carradale football pavillion on Monday 30 May. It isn't clear whether they have also been charged with the vandalism at the village school the previous Saturday but if I hear any more I'll report it here.

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