11-02-05 Bits and Pieces
Not much to report for the last couple of days. Steph's been busy talking to people about her new business venture and I've been slaving away over a hot keyboard, getting some software ready for a customer.

Only a few days remain for nominations for the East Kintyre Community Council elections. These have to be in by 16 February so if anyone's thinking of standing they need to get moving fast.

I've managed to find the time to cut and fit a new floor for my speedboat so that project is slowly moving forward.

We've got to find time to chase-up the roofer about his quote for renewing the roof on our house. It only leaks in two places now but I wouldn't want to risk it surviving another winter. Unfortunately a roof this size costs a lot of money to replace. In theory there is grant money available from Argyll & Bute Council but from what people here tell me it's easier getting blood out of a stone than it is getting a reasonable amount of money from the council.

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