10-06-13 EKCC Minutes
Meeting June 6th 2013.


Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall 6 June 2013

Cathy Forbes asked the Convenor if she and Eric could be excused from the meeting at 8.00pm as they had House guests.

Stuart Irvine (chair), Elisabeth McMillan (treasurer), Ronnie Brownie, Cathy Forbes, Robert Strang, Tom Adams, Eleanor Sloan.

Councillors: John MacAlpine, Rory Colville

10 members of the public
1. Apologies:
Shelagh Cameron, Dominic Ryan, Anne Horn, Robin Currie

Stuart Irvine welcomed attendees and started the meeting .
2. Minutes – 2/5/13
Minutes proposed by Ronnie Brownie and seconded by Robert Strang.
3. Matters arising
Cathy addressed the comment (point 5) re the discussion about C3 becoming independent of the Community Council at some point in the future – she wanted to clarify that it was a discussion and not a decision.
4. Treasurers report
Elisabeth McMillan reported that as of 06/06/13 the balance was £4643
5. Consultation on establishment for Community Councils
At the meeting on the 23/5/13, we discussed Peninver and Skipness and came to the conclusion that without knowing thei r thoughts we couldn’t really go any further. However the notes from the meeting on 23/6/13 were given to Kilmory before the 2nd June deadline.
Stuart said that the distribution of the minutes would resume going to the Antler and the Goat , we discussed printing the proposed minutes out and putting them in the shop and garage for the convenience of the community. It was agreed to approach the business owners and ask if they would hold the paper copies of the minutes in their premises.

Cathy Forbes left the meeting at this point.
6. Carradale Care in the Community
This was discussed at the AGM
7. Slipway
Unfortunately there was no-one on the council at this point to update us on the SLIP project. In light of the discussion at the AGM re: money coming in and out of the bank account we discussed , the possibility of the SLIP funding and the project moving to the umbrella of the harbour group. The majority of the councillors agreed to this move.
8. Scrub-cutting
John MacAlpine said that was to be one cutting a year. Marcus Adams from Kintyre Way said that the parts of the Kintyre Way that are on the main road are cut twice a year. John MacAlpine suggested asking Stuart Clark or Calum Robertson to attend a meeting to discuss the road situation. Stuart will ring and invite them.
9. Emergency Plan
Shelagh will arrange a public meeting to discuss this and to invite the village hall committee. John MacAlpine said that other areas are issuing a questionnaire to all residents asking their thoughts on the emergency plan.
10. AOCB
• Bay bridge – Tom Adams said that the bridge is wonky and has talked to Colin Burgess who is happy to have bridge replaced. Marcus said that there may be a bridge available from the Kintyre way , they agreed to liaise about this.
• Robert Strang said that the grass at Brackley cemetery is very long and needs to be cut – John MacAl;pine agreed to raise the issue and advised contacting Dougie Lang or Angus Ward in the mean time.
• Broomfield Garden, Joy asked if they could dismantle the cairn to weed around it and rebuild it. All agreed.
• Tom Adams asked (again) for bollards to be put at entrances to the village hall path, John MacAlpine agreed to look into it.
• Tom suggested that all new members of the Community Council be given full disclosure of all Community Council business at time of joining. All agreed.
• The toilet sign has broken off at the pier, John MacAlpine said he will arrange for it to be replaced. It was mentioned that the “No overnight parking” sign was missing. Rory Colville said that these have all been removed as they are non-enforceable.
• Network update - The Buggy hires are picking up and there was a very positive feature on “Reporting Scotland”.
The harbour group are arranging a Harbour Day on the 6th July.
• Eleanor handed out leaflets for the Kintyre Health and Wellbeing Network Fund, this has about £7000 a year. The fund supports projects that encourage health and wellbeing within the community. The closing date for bids to be in is 24th June 2013
email eleanor at kphn@homestartmajik.eclipse.co.uk for more info.
• Tom is pursuing the Forestry Commission re the Chuckie bay path .
• Tom told us that a dog had eaten rat poison at Waterfoot, it is thought to have been put on the verges. He urged all dog walkers to be aware.
• A question was raised from the floor concerning the EKWFT and why it was not part of the audit. The EKWFT is a totally separate body and its connection with the Community Council is because it was decided that members of the CC along with 3 others not on the CC would form the managing Committee of the Trust. The EKWFT has its own Bank Account and this is audited totally separately from the CC. The function of the EKWFT is totally different to that of the CC.

11. Stuart thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 8.45pm.

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