09-08-15 Carradale Camera Club AGM
Wednesday 2nd September 2015.
Please note that the Annual General Meeting of
Carradale Camera Club will be held in The Glen
Restaurant at 7pm.
Existing members and anyone wishing to join will
be made very welcome
Alasdair Bennett
9 August 2015
• Welcome Chair
• Attendance Secretary
• Apologies Chair
• Minutes of previous AGM Chair
• Chairman’s Report Chair
• Statement of Accounts Treasurer
• Election of Office Bearers Chair
Minutes of Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 3 September 2014 – Carradale School
Welcome: The chair welcomed everyone to the AGM and indicated that he would be standing down from office at the meeting.
In attendance: Allan MacLay (AM) (Chair), Alasdair Bennett(AB), David Mercer(DM), Steve Partridge(SP), Elizabeth Ireland(EI), Derek Gray(DG), Mary Gray(MG), Iain McDougall(IM), Christine Ritchie(CR), Rachel Grant, Johnny Durnan(JD) and Susi Lunn(SL)
Apologies: Apologies received from Julia Dancer, Robert Strang, Marjory McKinven, Margaret Richardson, David Byford and Cameron McNair
Minutes of Previous AGM: The minutes of the AGM held on 4 September 2013, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, were proposed by EI and seconded by DM
Chairman’s Report: AM started his report by saying that he had been with the club since its inception 13 years or so ago and had greatly enjoyed holding the office of chair. He went on to report that the club had a very successful year with an average of 10/12 members attending club evenings out of a membership of 18. He then outlined some of the highlights of the year which included: (a) Autumn Competition - won by Christine Ritchie (b) Frank Walton Trophy in March with the club improving from last place in 2013 to 4th out of 6 clubs in 2014 (c) POTY Competition – very high standard and won by Steve Partridge (d) A field trip to Skipness Castle and BBQ in DM’s garden, which helped fill the summer months and (e) Our exhibition last month, which was widely regarded as one of the best ever.
AM finished his report by wishing the club a successful future and mentioned that he fully intended to still attend committee meetings as an ordinary member. JD thanked AM for all his hard work with the club, particularly as chair over the last year, and proposed a vote of thanks on behalf of all members.
Statement of Accounts: In Julia’s absence, AB presented the 2013/14 accounts, which for the first time were compared against the accounts for 2012/13 and showed an end of year surplus of £750. While in some lines this was helpful in others it was thought to be confusing. Contrasting figures for receipts from subscriptions and exhibitions were questioned by several members. AB explained that this was probably due to 2 years figures for these lines being included in 2012/13 and only one in 2013/14 following changes to the financial year. RG questioned the 2012/13 figure for coffee but nobody present was able to explain this. AB pointed out that the 2012/13 figures had been accepted by members at the last AGM and it was only this year’s accounts that had to be agreed. On this basis the accounts were proposed by RG and seconded by JD
Election of Office Bearers:
Chairman: Steve Partridge – proposed by JD and seconded by MG
Secretary: Alasdair Bennett – proposed by EI and seconded by DM with AB stating this would be his last year as secretary
Treasurer: Julia Dancer – Proposed by DM and seconded by EI (Note: Julia indicated before the meeting that she would stand for re-election)
Competition Secretary: Dave Mercer – prosed by AB and seconded by SL
Committee Members: Rachael Grant – proposed by DM and seconded by CR
Susi Lunn – proposed by RG and seconded by DG
AM then handed over to SP who chaired the rest of the meeting
AB reported that no matters had been notified to him within the required period to be
to be included under AOCB. However, RG did suggest that subscriptions be raised
from £15 to £20. This was rejected by the majority on the grounds of a healthy bank
It was also agreed by a majority not to renew the club’s subscription to Amateur
Photographer as it was not read by many members.
Following a discussion about the club website it was agreed that JD would email AB
with specification for photographs to be placed on site. This will be circulated to all
members who will then forward 3 or 4 photos to JD for uploading.
The AGM was concluded and members remained to discuss the club programme for
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