09-04-10 Passing Places On The B842
New signposts erected.
Commuters on the B842 to Redhouse will have noticed new galavanised poles appearing at the side of the road marking the passing places.
I counted roughly about 70 the other away last week going up to Tarbert and since then most of the passing place signs have been bolted on.
What gets me high is why this money is being thrown at these signs and others when the state of the roads are now getting into and some are of being dangerous and undrivable.
This funding i have been told comes from another budget,but it is annoying that they are splashing out on all these new road signs. The council cannot even clean the existing ones which we in this community have requested on numerous occasions.
On another point, the refective surface of the new passing place signs (square type) are like full beam headlights blinding you at night time as you approach them,not like the old triangle type.I hope to raise this matter with the department dealing with them.
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