09-04-05 The Goats away for a few days
Old Goatie is going to be away down south for a few days but hopefully he'll still be able to post regular updates to the website.
I'm away to England to check up on the house we still have there and to drum up a bit of work. Wish me luck. I seem to have got roped into bringing back a small sailing boat for Mrs Goat to use in the bay - 55mph all the way then...
Unfortunately this means I'll probably miss the inaugural meeting of the new East Kintyre Community Council on Thursday. I'm hoping some of 'The Usual Suspects' will keep me informed of proceedings. (This means YOU, Mr Durnan!) I'd love to get back in time for the meeting but I don't think I can get away any earlier than Friday and I suspect Mrs Goat will have her hands too full with the children to get to the meeting herself.
So Prince Charles and his Lady have finally, and against all odds it seems, managed to get spliced. Bravo, says I. Perhaps the telly can get back to something sensible again. Oh, but we've a General Election looming so I don't suppose there's much chance of that. I gather they'll be honeymooning in Scotland so I hope the weather is kind to them, even if the paparazzi aren't.
This is The Goat, signing-off for a few days? Be nice, people...
p.s. I've added yet another photo to the Bygone Pictures section. This time a view of the Isle of Arran from Port Righ.
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