08-05-14 East Kintyre Community Council Meeting Tonight
Agenda and last months minutes.
[The Carradale Goat]Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall 10th April 2014


Stuart Irvine (SI) (Convenor), Elizabeth McMillan (EMcM) (Treasurer), Lindsey Mercer (LM),
Robert Strang (RS), Ronnie Brownie (RB), Eleanor Sloan (ES)(Secretary)

2 Councillors – John McAlpine (JMcA) and Robin Currie (RC)
Speakers – Jim Smith (JS), Road Manager for Argyll and Bute Council (ABC)
7 Members of the public (MoP)

1. Welcome and apologies:
At 7pm - Stuart Irvine welcomed attendees and started the meeting.
Apologies from - Dominic Ryan, Hilary Oman

Jim Smith – Argyll and Bute Council re: B842
We started with questions from the floor –
• MoP told the meeting that part of the road between Carradale and Grianan was being undermined.
• ES suggested that someone from the council takes on the responsibility of checking the B842 on a regular basis to keep potholes under control.
• MoP said that other parts of rural Argyll are in better state because of the bus service on the road.
• RC said that he feels that SSE are keen to help sort out any problems.
• MoP said they are concerned about the lorries travelling in convoy and the inconvenient this can cause if you meet them on the road.
• ES pointed out that a house at the north end of the B842 seems to be using the passing places as parking places and this is causing an inconvenience.
• LM told the meeting that in some areas there are boards that inform cyclists that it would be considerate to pull in and allow cars to pass.
• MoP said that some of the road edges are very sharp and dangerous.
Jim Smith then spoke to us and answered some of our questions -
• ABC are currently in discussion with SSE regarding the upkeep of the B842 and the proposal is that SSE will be responsible for daily inspection and daily repair of the road, this is expected to come into force after Easter. EKCC will be informed when this agreement is in place.
• ABC still overall responsible for the road network, and will be keeping a close eye on the work.
• It is still to be confirmed if the heavy vehicles will be coming to the site via the B842 or the Haul Road (Cross Kintyre Road)
• It was asked if ABC will be monitoring the weight and volume of traffic using the road, JS said that they did not have any plans to do this.
• Using passing places for overtaking was discussed and EMcM remembered a booklet that was very helpful, JS said this is still in production and will send some to SI to distribute within the village.
• JMcA said he feels that we have missed an opportunity to ensure that the state of the B842 is kept in good repair, and this was not agreed before the work started and damage has already happened. He asked if JS could get SSE to agree that the road should be improved by the end of the work and that this should be a written contract.
• MoP asked JS if Road repair squads are expected to fill potholes they may encounter when sent out to fill others, JS said that they should be filling any holes they find on the roads.

SI thanked JS for attending and JS left the meeting at this point.
ACTION – Copies of these minutes to be forwarded to JS. JS to address any points raised that require his attention.

2. Minutes
Approved - proposed by Robert Strang, seconded by Ronnie Brownie.

3. Matters arising
• ES has invited David Jardine to attend our next meeting 8/5/14 to talk about the local work of the Forestry Commission and its effects of our community.
• No update on the village wind turbine – Celia Holgate will update SI ASAP.

4. Treasurers report – opening balance
As of 10/4/2014
The balance of the EKCC bank account stands at £2012.83 (same as last month)

5. Roads – survey
Alasdair Bennett – updated us on the roads survey and said that the results haven’t been collated yet, it is hoped that they will be by the next meeting. There will be a letter sent to Stewart Clark with the results of the survey.
ACTION – AB and DR to feedback to the next meeting.

6. SSE
SI has written to SSE to highlight the local concerns over the state of the B842 eg tourism and traffic.
SI to clarify with SSE regarding the promise of some local work, so we actually know what is available.
ACTION – SI to contact SSE

7. Playpark/Wellpark
RS reported that the bark in the play park will be replaced and the welding is due to happen very soon.
EMcM said she saw people using the play park.
ACTION – RS to arrange bark and welding when appropriate

8. Beach Clean
The local beach clean was a success, 132 bags were collected and 38 pickers attended, we raised £130 and this will be split between Sports relief -£65 and Abbeyfield - £65.
Many thanks to Nellie B’s tearoom for their donation of free drinks vouchers for the pickers.
MoP said that fishing boats on the east coast are collecting rubbish and being paid for the rubbish collected.

9. Peninver – Lussa Road
Hilary Oman was not at the meeting this month and there was no update.

10. WW1
Tom Adams said he has put up a poster to register interest, there have been suggestions of banners and tree planting. TA is in contact with other areas to see what they are doing.
ACTION – contact Tom Adams if interested in supporting this project.

11. McMillan Foods /Marine Harvest
SI was asked to raise this issue – McMillan Foods used to buy local salmon from Meridian fish farm, this is now owned by Marine Harvest fish farms, who no longer want to sell to local businesses. Would EKCC support his pleas to get Marine Harvest to reconsider?
Points raised in discussion –
• EKCC helped to get planning permission to start this fish farm at the beginning.
• RC thought that other fish farms have promised to sell locally as a sweetener to communities – he is going to find out more about this.
• Would EKCC support put in jeopardy the potential extension to the local fish farm?
• This is a commercial issue and is it the place of EKCC to become involved?
• Can McMillan foods buy salmon anywhere else locally?
After discussion it was agreed to wait to hear from RC re- other areas and their arrangements and to pass on any information gathered, to McMillan Foods.
ACTION – RC to find out and report back.

12. AOCB
• ES was approached by a member of the public re parking lines on car parks (Tormhor and Woodside) It seems many folk are keen to have them painted on. ES suggested a door to door survey of local residents to gauge their feelings and if appropriate, to forward results to Iain McLeod in ACHA
ACTION – ES to do door to door car parking survey
• SI suggested a collection for Mary McMillan for her Outstanding Citizenship, she has been a valued member of our village for many years and has helped many people and animals and birds over the years. It was agreed to do a collection in the local shops.
ACTION – SI to arrange collection
• Planning application for a garage for Malcolm Trott at Broomfield - agreed
• RC told us that he has met with SSE and discussed placing satellite dishes on their pylons for improved mobile phone reception. They will be looking into this. RC also sent an email to SI with the contact details of someone on Arran who is also interested in dishes on pylons.
• RS told us that the road at Brackley is impassable and there are damaged grave stones, he has contacted ABC regarding these issues.
• Tom Adams told us that there is some money left in the pot for the memorial garden, if anyone is interested in this please get in touch with Tom.
• Stuart reminded us that the next tranche of the wind farm trust will be available very soon and the closure date for applications is 30/04/14 – to be discussed at the meeting on 08/05/14.
The Chair of the EKWFT (Lindsey Mercer) will send out all the info to all committee members.

13. Date of next meeting

7pm – 8th May 2014

Stuart thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 8.20pm.

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