08-04-11 Carradales Own Pothole Brigade
Contact the Toshs Park team for all your pothole and road resurfacing.
Its a poor show this day and age when we all have to attend to our access road because the road is not adopted by our local council.Really shocked last week passing through Ardrishaig to see thousands of pounds retarring a whole carpark area,probably not council,but making a point money wasted whilst our roads are a disgrace.Someone does not seem to have their priorites right.
No water filled potholes tarred with this amatuer team,all materials bought by all the residents chipping in together and taking on trying to keep our only route to our houses driveable.We and all others wonder why we pay taxes whether road or council because it is not getting any better.We up here and like some other areas were the roads are not adopted feel it is time our local council rethink about this.Whats good for one is good for all.
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