08-01-05 Gone with the Wind
So it seems as though the weathermen got it right for a change. We've been battered by gales all night and there's no sign of it letting-up this morning. If I take the dog for a walk later I'll have to hold onto his lead tightly else there's a chance he'll blow away!

The good news is that the roof of my shed (still under construction) hasn't blown away so I must have got that bit right. The side wall is next to go up and then then ends with the doors. I'm trying to get as much done before the end of next week when I have to go down to England again.

The Glen Bar is closed for three weeks now whilst the owners are away and the staff have a rest from a busy Christmas and New Year period. Those of us in need of alcoholic stimulation will have to trek down to The Cruban, about half a mile away.

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