07-02-13 EKCC Minutes
Meeting off 7th February 2013.

EKCC Minutes Thursday 7 February 2013

Present: Stuart Irvine (Convenor), Robert Strang, Shelagh Cameron, Ronnie Brownie, Dominic Ryan, Catherine Forbes, Tom Adams Councillor John McAlpine, Councillor Rory Colville, 8 members of the Community, 2 Police Officers and 1 reporter from the Courier.

Apologies: Elizabeth McMillan, Eleanor Sloan

Welcome and administrative matters: The Convenor welcomed all attending and raised the following:

a) Resignation of a Councillor: Andrea Hopkins (Vice Convenor and Minute Secretary), representing the Saddell area sent a letter to the Convenor on 30 January tendering her resignation. At the next EKCC meeting, on 7 March, a replacement as Minute Secretary will be sought.

b) As the Convenor will be out of the Country, he will miss the next two meetings (7 March and 4 April). He proposed that Shelagh Cameron be acting Convenor for these meetings and this was approved unanimously.

c) Two duplications of names on last minutes of those attending were corrected.

d) Shelagh Cameron, following a discussion with Charles Reppke, intimated that new elections are to be held in September
Minutes of last meeting: These were taken as read as all matters arising were on the agenda.

Treasurer’s Report: In the absence of Elizabeth McMillan, Treasurer, the Convenor gave a financial report stating that the current balance in the EKCC accounts amounted to £5357.03.As the end of the financial year, 31 March, is approaching the Convenor distributed a projection to 31 March along with a detail summary of the figures. In particular, he confirmed the receipt of two grants from the Big Lottery Fund in relation to the Council projects in relation to Community Care, a study by HIE, and a repair to steps at Port Righ.

Report from Network and Harbour Group:

a) Jim Galbraith of Network Carradale Ltd gave a detailed presentation on the development of bike and buggy hire. 2 buggies and 15 trek bikes have been purchased. A person has been employed to carry out administration and maintenance. There were a considerable number of questions and comments and in particular the Council to have reassurance on all safety aspects. He also confirmed that the old School House at Network is being converted into a Tourist Information Point (TIP).

b) Alasdair Bennett of Network Carradale Ltd gave an up to date report on the refurbishment of the Tearoom. It is hoped to have the Tearoom fully operational by Easter. However, as stated at the December meeting, and reported in the Courier, that due to more repair work being needed due to the poor state of the building there was a shortfall of approximately £3,000 in the funding. A request for extra funding from the Windfarm Trust was made. A separate meeting of those attending the meeting who were also on the Committee of the Windfarm Trust was convened at the end of the Council meeting and a possible solution was provisionally and conditionally agreed later.

Wind Renewable Energy Projects: Details had been received by the Convenor and an “Expression of Interest Form” had been sent off and a reply received.

Kintyre Crime Protection Panel: The Convenor asked if anyone on the Council was interested in joining the Panel but sadly there were no takers.

Scrub Cutting on single track road north of Carradale: Robert Strang raised that no work had been carried out and requested that the Roads Dept. be contacted. Cllr McAlpine will, also speak to them.

Emergency Plan: A request from A&B Council was received in regard to the need to set up an emergency plan to deal with any emergencies which arise in our local area, such as trees fallen down and blocking roads, loss of electricity. The plan should have details of telephone numbers of whom to contact in the event of an emergency. This was agreed an excellent idea and the Convenor suggested we set up a small committee to study what is required.

Scottish Power donation: It was greed that the £400 donation would be split between maintenance of the Christmas Tree and the Naomi Michison project

Planning: There was only one application for a ramp for Ian Miller for entrance into his house at High Airds. There were no objections.

a) Shelagh Cameron gave a detailed report of her attendance at a recent Windfarm meeting for all Argyll Trusts. The main point to emerge is that there are likely to be more created and hopefully EKCCWFT will benefit. The amount generated is £5000 per Gigawatt. Power Companies are also interested in funding a project worker

b) Shelagh Cameron also reported on the attendance on herself and Cathie Forbes at the MAKI meeting. A presentation was made by made the consultant whom had been hired. It is hoped that a project developer can be funded to take forward the Community Care project.

c) Eleanor Sloan, through Robert Strang requested white-lining for the 2 Tormore Car Parks to alleviate parking problems. Roads Dept to be contacted.

d) Brian Gee raised that some draining was needed on the pathway from the village to the Hall. Roads Dept. to be contacted.

e) Tom Adams asked if the wooden bridge at the end of the beach could be strengthened.

f) Tom Adams raised that a note had been put in both Notice Boards stating that the EKCC one was only to be used for Council Business, etc and events for the Community. The other can be used for other general matters.

g) One of the two attending police officers gave a reassuring report that policing was expected to remain vigilent despite the proposed budget cuts and the fact they are moving into one force in Scotland

No further business and the meeting closed at 9.00pm

Date of next meeting Thursday 7 March in Village Hall at 7.00pm

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