07-01-10 B842 Closed
The single track road out of Carradale closed at Grogport.
Road signs at the Glen Bar and Restaurant put up by Argyll and Bute Council who closed the road due to icing of the hill at Grogport.
On receiving a e-mail from a resident up that way of their concerns I immediatly got on the phone to the roads dept asking why?.
Speaking to a roads representative I was told it was to risky to put a gritter lorry down that way because of the cold tempratures freezing over the road surface only after being gritted.
I challenged him by saying that it was lack of salt in the grit they were spreading that had no effect on the ice.It was back to the first priorities, keeping what grit is left for the main routes.
So be it the community is going to be cut off for what could be days yet with the severe cold that is forecast.
The roads man said the Police were notified but as far as i know no other emergency service was.
Residents will have a detour of about 62 miles to get from Grogport to Carradale.
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