05-12-08 Primary School activities
The Emergency Services.

I was recently asked along to the school as with the other emergency services on different occasions to talk to the kids and show them our equipment used in conjunction with our work within the Coastguard,Fire and Rescue and Police. They were very enthusiastic and answers were readily available with questions put to them. Our time at the bay they were shown how some of the rescue gear could be used safely if someone was in trouble in the water. The procedures for calling and getting help was answered perfectly by the children.Back at the school small goody bags with some sea safety info were handed out to the class.What a great day we had.

The below is a report I received from the class teacher.

Carradale Primary School October – December 2008

This term Carradale Nursery children and Primaries 1, 2, 3 and 4 have been investigating ‘The Emergency Services’.
They have had a very exciting few weeks as they visited Carradale Police Station with PC Hannah, Carradale Fire Station with Mr Robert Strang and Mrs Eila Durnan, and they met Mr Johnny Durnan at the bay where he kindly explained all about his work as a Coastguard. We also had a visit from Mrs Judy Semple in her capacity as a nurse, and she told the children about her work, particularly dealing with diabetics, and helped to tell us something of the ambulance service’s duties.
The children all had great fun, but they also learned a lot about these very important Emergency Services. Hopefully you will be able to see their glowing faces in The Courier soon.
Our thanks go to all who gave their time to talk to us and we sincerely hope we never need to call them on a professional basis!

Valerie Conley [class teacher]

ps.Thanks to the school and we look forward to the invitation for Christmas lunch at the school.

[The Carradale Goat] [The Carradale Goat]

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