04-09-12 Carradale Camera Club
Report from the August Photography Exhibition.

Over the weekend 11th/12th August Carradale Camera Club held their annual photography exhibition in Carradale Village Hall.An excellant selection of photos were on hand for all to see.The entry fee included tea/coffee and homebaking.A slide show was running for all to look at whilst having a cuppa and yarn.With all exspenses paid the club made a profit of around £200 and would like to thank everyone for their support once again.

On the club subject,the first meeting took place on the 29th August and every fortnight thereafter @ 7pm.Our new location to be announced as the Network tearoom is closing.

Click on pics to enlarge.

[The Carradale Goat] [The Carradale Goat] [The Carradale Goat]

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