04-05-11 Hello Carradale
Some newcomers to the village and Torrisdale.

Welcome to Jim and Celia Holgate who purchased Brian Olaf's home down at Torrisdale. Arrived last month are Malcolm and Kate Trott who moved into Broomfield. Both couples are into sailing and have joined Campbeltown sailing Club giving that a boost.

Hi Johnny.

We met down at the beach yesterday where you were shepherding the beach cleaners. We missed the announcement otherwise we would have joined in. Still there's always next year.

This is only our 4th week in Carradale and already we have been introduced to half the village. And the other half know all about us ready for when we do meet - what a place! We can't believe how lucky we are to be living here. We have to keep pinching ourselves to make sure we are not dreaming. And believe it or not it was the Goat that was partly responsible for us coming. It tells the story of the place and its people in words and pictures like nothing else could. Keep up the good work.

You may be interested to visit our website by clicking HERE to read our own blog and to see some pics of our boat.

See you around.

Malcolm and Kate

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