04-02-15 EKCC
Notice of meeting and Dec 2014 minutes.

[The Carradale Goat]

Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall 4th December 2014


Stuart Irvine (SI) (Convenor), Lindsey Mercer (LM), Eleanor Sloan (ES) (Secretary), Robert Strang (RS) Elizabeth McMillan (EMcM)

2 Councillors – Robin Currie (RC)
6 Members of the public (MoP)
Andy Malkin from SSE

1. Welcome and apologies -
At 7pm - Stuart Irvine welcomed attendees and started the meeting.
Apologies from Dominic Ryan, Ronnie Brownie & Alasdair Bennett (re: EKWFT part of the meeting)

2. Minutes – 20/11/14
One amendment from RC – there are definite proposals in place for some new houses to be built in Carradale – an initiative from ABC (not “possible” as written in original minutes)
Confirmed (subject to change) - proposed by Robert Strang, seconded by Lindsey Mercer.
Action – ES to amend minutes 20/11/14

3. Matters arising

4. SSE
Andy Malkin gave us an update on the works at Crossaig, the civil works at the sub-station are now finished and Seimens will be coming onto site in the new year to start the mechanical and electrical works.
The transformers and big bits of equipment are moving onto site over the new few weeks and into January.
There appears to be problems with the under sea cable and this may cause some delays.
Ducting and land cables are to be installed in the new year.
All the works on the Hunterston side are complete.
The Haul road should be used by large lorries, SSE are keen to know if any locals are worried about the large lorries on the B842 they should get in touch with SSE to let them know their concerns.
A few MoP mentioned at this point that they feel that the lorries are speeding through the village and along the B842. Andy stressed that if this is so – locals should be attempting to get registration numbers, time and date of incident and the lorry company and pass it on to Andy Malkin at SSE
ABC will be gritting the B842 this winter.
Passing places on the B842 are to be completed ASAP.
SSE will be tarmacing the entrance to the village hall car park.
SSE are donating a bench for the WW1 memorial garden.
SSE are to get in touch with RS to discuss scraping the BMX track, so it is useable again.
The increase of mud on road was discussed and the return of potholes in some places – this is being monitored.
There will be second community visit to the site in March.

5. ACHA –
It was agreed that Dominic Ryan should take the idea of a Tenants association forward and Robin Curry offered to help
Action – DR to liaise with RC re tenants group.

6. Treasurers report –
As of 4/12/14 - the balance of the EKCC bank account stands at £2384.83

7. Roads
SI received an email from Stewart Clark saying he will respond to our letter by the end of next week 12/12/14

8. Planning
No planning applications

9. Wind Farm Trust
Accounts –
We were all given a copy of the projected accounts until 31/3/15. All the EKCC agreed with them.
RC mentioned that is a small area committee grant from ABC coming out soon – there should be a press release about it soon.
Review of procedures
LM in her position as chair of the EKWFT will now take over issuing application forms and supporting the applicants in applying for the grant.
EKWFT are trying to make the process tighter and more procedural which will help applicants in their application process. The application has been simplified and the criteria for applying to EKWFT will be attached to the form – guidelines will also be issued.
Applicants will be invited to attend the meeting to discuss their application.

10. AOCB
• Christine Bell said the Brackley road to the cemetery is a disgrace - RS will speak to SSE re this
Action – RS to discuss with SSE
• Marine Harvest have submitted an application to double the size of the cages in the Kilbrannan sound – this will see the creation of 6 new jobs.
• We discussed the dog fouling situation in the village RS to bring up at gthe next Crime prevention panel meeting
Action – RS to bring to crime prevention panel.
• Plots for new Council houses – a few potential plots were discussed RC took note.

11. Date of next meeting

7pm – 05/02/15 –

There will be no meeting in January and from February 5th 2015 onwards the EKCC meetings will be held on the first Thursday of the month.

Stuart closed the meeting at 8.10pm and thanked everyone for attending.

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