-----How good are learning, teaching and achievement? |
The curriculum | satisfactory | Teaching for effective learning | good |
Children’s experiences (nursery class) | satisfactory |
Learners’ experiences (primary stages) | good |
Improvements in performance (nursery class) | satisfactory |
Improvements in performance (primary stages) | satisfactory |
-----How well are pupils’ learning needs met? |
Meeting learning needs (nursery class) | satisfactory |
Meeting learning needs (primary stages) | satisfactory |
-----How good is the environment for learning? |
Care, welfare and development | very good |
Management and use of resources and space for learning | good |
The engagement of staff in the life and work of the school | good |
Expectations and promoting achievement | good |
Equality and fairness | good |
The school’s success in involving parents, carers and families | satisfactory |
-----Leading and improving the school |
Developing people and partnerships | satisfactory |
Leadership of improvement and change (of the headteacher) | satisfactory |
Improvement through self-evaluation | weak |