03-06-05 EKCC Meeting AND EKWFT AGM
An interesting East Kintyre Community Council meeting last night. Not so many members of the public present as in recent months and this probably goes to demonstrate the increased confidence the community has in their new local councillors.

The location of the recycling bins was discussed and confirmed that the council have no objection to them being re-located from the Woodside carpark (where they're taking upvaluable parking spaces) to the larger carpark at the harbour and it was decided that they would be asked to implement this.

On the subject of parking it was confirmed that Argyll & Bute council do not have any funds available for the construction of additional parking areas within the village. No doubt this will be a disappointment to residents in the Tormor area.

The levelling of the surface of the Bay Road has been done. (Great improvement, by the way!) It was noted that Scottish Water have now denied ever receiving any correspondence from the EKCC regarding their maintaining the road. It was further noted that Scottish Water's lorries have been observed travelling at great speed along the Bay Road.

The seat for a councillor for the Saddell and Peninver is still vacant. It was decided to leave this as it was for the time being.

The final draft for the Argyll & Bute Local Plan was available for inspection. Concern was raised over areas earmarked for development in the area adjacent to the football ground and play park.

A survey of the various signposts about the village has been carried out with various inconsistencies highlighted. Repairing and replacing some of these was felt to be a suitable project for a future application to the Windfarm Trust for a grant.

The area of land behind the war memorial is to be cleared by people from Employability. This will have no direct cost to the village although it was felt that it would be right to purchase additional outdoor furniture such as a bench from them in recognition of their help.

The village Policeman reported that he had nothing to report other than the vandalism to planters at the school and the damage to the football pavillion (more on this in tomorrow's blog).

With regards to the re-zoning of Carradale by the Boundaries Commission it was decided that the EKCC should write to them objecting against this.

The subject of vehicles speeding through the village was raised and the subject of implementing a 30mph limit along the stretch from Dippen Bridge to the Network Centre was raised, and from Tormor to Port Righ. It was further discussed whether the limit should not in fact stretch all the way to the existing 30mph limit which starts close by the school. The subject of signs along the lines of "Twenty's Plenty" was considered also.

Our village Policeman, Malcolm Hannah, suggested writing to Inspector Sutherland requesting speed monitoring equipment be installed for a period to guage the size of the problem.

Various other items of correspondense and smaller matters were raised but in the interests of brevity I have omitted these. Apologies to anyone with an interest but I'm sure The Antler will carry full minutes in due course.

The meeting was closed at 20:15 and immediately followed by the AGM for the East Kintyre Windfarm Trust.

The Windfarm Trust AGM was opened and it was explained that as most of the committee were new they were unable to report extensively upon the previous year.

The Treasurer read out the statement of accounts for the last accounting year, commenting upon the poor state in which the accounts had been kept and delivered to him by the previous treasuer. He thanked the gentleman that had prepared the statement of accounts on behalf of the previous committee. It is understood that it is proving problematic reconciling some of the granted sums with those that have actually been paid-out. Some items were cleared-up during discussion but there are still a number of grants which were approved yet have not been taken-up.

The accounts for the year ending 31-03-2005 are basically as follows:

Balance at 01-04-2004 £28,819.53

Grant Income £11,000.00
Bank Interest £311.88
Sundry Income £34.58

Total £11,346.46

Advertising - Oban Times £66.27
Junior Citizens Comm. £600.00
Crow Wood £375.00
Tourist Promotion Group £375.00
Camera Club £175.96
Argyll FM £1,479.00
Peninver Drama Club £350.00
Saddell Xmas Lights £100.15
C/dale Harbour Users Group £2,500.00
Carradale Village Hall £800.00
Tsunami Appeal £78.69
Carradale Angling Club £880.99
Total £7,776.06

Balance at 31-03-2005 £32,389.93

Royal Bank of Scotland £45.49
Bank of Scotland £13,299.12
Halilfax Building Society £20,000.00
(Matures 25-10-2005) ----------
Total £33,344.61

Less Creditors
Tsunami Appeal £78.69
C/dale Ang.Club £880.99

Total £954.68
Grand Total £32,389.93

Following the reading of the accounts the committee proceeded to discuss the various projects and organisations which had applied for funding from the Windfarm Trust from this tranch of grant money available.

I'm not going to list each applicant's project in details but the following is a list of the applications together with the amounts applied for and what was approved.

70. Peninver Village Hall - Re-coating of the exterior wood cladding of the building. £600 applied for. £300 approved.

71. Peninver Village Hall - Provision of a telephone line and internet connection. £250 applied for. No funding approved.

72. Peninver Village Hall - Insurance for the property. £900 applied for. £700 approved.

73. Network Centre - Repairs to broken window and insurance costs. £593 applied for. £593 approved.

74. Continued provision of a creche facility at Carradale. £350 applied for. £350 approved.

75. Friends of Carradale School - Provide summer play scheme for one week during holidays. £410 applied for. £300 approved.

76. Carradale Surgery Patients Group - Provide transport to surgery for patients. £200 applied for. £200 approved.

77. Carradale Surgery Patients Group - First Aid course for members of the public. £150 applied for. £150 approved.

78. Campbeltown Community Business Ltd - Grant towards part of cost of refurbishment of the cinema. £4000 applied for. £2000 approved.

79. Carradale Activity Play Park - Renovation of the football pavillion and provision of grounds equipment. £1006.27 applied for. £1006.27 approved.

80. Carradale Angling Club - Purchase of a brush-cutter and safety equipment. £930 applied for. £500 approved.

81. Carradale Activity Play Park - Provision of a wooden bench and table following clearance of area behind war memorial. £300 applied for. £300 approved.

82. Carradale Activity Play Park - Renewal of fencing around play park and football pitch. £1280 applied for. £1280 approved.

83. G.Sutherland/EKCC - Purchase and erection of two dog waste bins and waste bag dispensers on Sally's Walk, Carradale - £779 applied for. £779 approved (provided alternative funding is not available from A&B Council.)

84. Carradale Tourist Promotion Group - Provision of flowers and plants in tubs and barrels. £570 applied for. £420 approved.

85. Kintyre Crime Prevention Panel - Provision of materials to be distributed at shows and events promoting crime prevention. £250 applied for. No funding approved.

The total amount of grant funding approved from this tranch is £7876.27.

[These figures are accurate according to my notes but I apologise in advance if there are any errors - it was getting late!]

Following any other business the meeting was closed at approximately 11:30pm.

As was noted earlier, there were two acts of vandalism at the beginning of the week with plants and flowers destroyed at the school and extensive damage to the interior of the football pavillion. I understand that a Police forensic team recovered evidence from the pavillion and that investigations are on-going.

More on this tomorrow, with photos.

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