03-03-16 EKCC March Meeting
Tonight 3 March 2016 at 7pm.

Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall 4th February 2016


Stuart Irvine (SI)(Convenor) Eleanor Sloan (ES)(Secretary), Robert Strang (RS), Ronnie Brownie(RB), Bill Bidmead(BB), Charles McMillan(CM)

In attendance –
John McAlpine (JMA), Anne Horn (AH) Robin Currie (RC) PC Harper (PH)
5 Members of the public (MoP)

1. Welcome
At 7pm – Stuart Irvine welcomed attendees, wished everyone a belated Happy New Year and started the meeting.

2. Apologies
Apologies from – Elizabeth McMillan (Treasurer), Morag Adams

3. Co-option of new members
SI welcomed Charles and Morag Adams, in her absence, to the Council

4. Minutes of last meeting – 5/11/15
Proposed by Ronnie Brownie, seconded by Robert Strang

5. Matters arising
First responders update – from Rhona Elder – the defibrillators have been checked and one is condemned – the surgery are contacting the health bard re- replacement. Moving the one in the village hall outside the hall was discussed – Village Hall committee to be approached in due course. The first responders now have a contact from the Scottish Ambulance service to help take the initiative forward. Rhona will be arranging a meeting soon. Rhona agreed to assist with the review of the emergency plan so ensure the first responders are included.

6. Treasurers report
The balance as of 4/2/16 - £2330.58

7. Brackley Cemetery
It has been agreed that the roads dept will take over the remedial work and that thick matting (grasscrete) will be placed on the grass verge to help with parking. It is expected that the gate will be repaired as part of this work

8. Possible car park at Well park
Sandy McCuish – from SSE will help with this when they are doing the groundworks for the Seneval Project, they will attend to the pot holes too.

9. Pavillion Public Toilet
RS reported that the unused urinal will need to be removed to fit the baby changing table – he has agreed to undertake this task.

10. Village Signs
SI reported that the signs are awaiting painting and then they will be erected by Ian Gull where the old signs are at the moment.

11. Planning
No relevant planning this month.

12. ACHA repairs
There are still a few bits and pieces to be completed – especially some interior work. Anne Horn reassured us that she is still on the case of chasing this up.
13. Scottish Ambulance service
See report from item 5

14. Emergency Plan
ES said that the emergency plan is due a review and would be looking for volunteers to help with this – Stuart and Rhona volunteered.
A question was asked – where are the emergency bags? Anne Horn remembered delivering them to SI at his home.
After the meeting
Peninver village hall have their bag, Carradale village hall has been searched and no sign, Stuarts garage has been searched and no sign. The hunt is ongoing…

15. Quay Brae – brush cutting
It was agreed to ask a local tree surgeon to look at this job and quote for it.

16. Tenant at Tormhor
PH updated us that this tenant is presently detained under the mental health act and is waiting to be rehoused in Mid Argyll – it is unlikely he will return to Carradale.

17. AOCB
• SI suggested a creating a post for a person to help around the village, possibly with money from the EKWFT. Rhona and ES suggested this person be more of a project manager for the various enterprises around the village. Rhona suggested contacting SKDT to see if they can offer any support. It was agreed to pass it over to MW&FC Network Carradale to take on the development of this potential post.
• RS reported that there is flooding at Toshs Park near the phone box – AH offered to report it internally via the members portal
RS also told us that there is a blocked gully at An Croit.- this is still ongoing even though it has been reported before
Action – AH to report this
• We had a request from the tourist group re replacing the Bay bridge – some folk are worried that it is unsafe and a quote has been submitted to replace the bridge (£4395). A few folk have been to the bridge and it is felt that it is safe and that it needs repair. All agreed.
Action – SI to report back to Tourist group.
• RS reported that the potholes are increasing again and it was agreed to invite someone from the roads dept to the next meeting. ES said that folk had to remember to report the potholes through the proper channels, and that asking from them to be mentioned at this meeting was not letting the council know where the pot holes are.
Action – AH to put through the members portal to ask for attendance.
• It was reported that there is a lot of dog fouling at Hill 60.
• The street light at An Croit has been reported as being very bright.
• A question was asked about the changes in the Highlands and islands patient transport, there was confusion over what this a was about – AH offered to find out more and report back
Action – AH to find out about patient transport and report back.
• Hill 60 – possible fly tipping – we were shown photos of piles of rubble and bits of pipe and broken window panes, there was a concern that this was fly tipping. RS assured us that the landowner had given permission for this to be dumped. SI will contact the landowner and check this is so
Action – SI to contact land owner.
• RS said that he wanted to thank Marine Harvest for their part in cleaning the harbour after the winter storms.
CM told us that there are 10 new cages with 2 new jobs already in place. This makes the farm the biggest in Scotland.
• ES asked if it would be ok to put the application for the WFT on the EKCC website – all agreed.

18. Date of next meeting
7pm – 3/3/2016
Stuart closed the meeting at 8.09pm and thanked everyone for attending.

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