03-03-14 East Kintyre Community Council Meeting 13th March 2014
Also minutes of the meeting 13th February 2014.

Acha representatives will be at Thursday 13th March meeting with hopfully answers to tenants concerns over their properties maintainance.As was discussed with them at the last meeting three wooden properties in the village,two at Toshs Park,one at School park have not been painted for 9 years.They are in a poor state of repair with rotten facia boards,cladding,leaking and uneven gutters,roofs need attention/rusting panel tiles,chimney stacks cracked/roughcast loose,pots broken.Other issues i raised were that we have had a house survey,electrical survey and gutters/downpipes with faults found and nothing been done.We had new windows fitted two years ago December with freezing conditions,these were not sealed properly and external sealing dropping of.We have no wall insulation,they said our houses are not suitable for that modification yet same style of houses at Succoth near Arrochar were done many years ago.We have just had our annual rent increase which will be £76 a week from April,a lot of money to pay for a wooden structure that was built over 60 years ago.Some of these complaints refer to other Acha properties within the village and outwith.

Few years back we thought oh Argyll & Bute Council give up Housing, taken over by Acha,plenty of promises so some of us thought!!!!

Are we getting the best from Acha?


Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall 13th February 2014

DRAFT Minutes

Stuart Irvine (Convenor), Lindsey Mercer, Robert Strang, Ronnie Brownie, Eleanor Sloan (Secretary), Elizabeth McMillan, Hilary Oman, Dominic Ryan.

2 Councillors – John McAlpine and Robin Currie
2 members of ACHA staff – Sarah Campbell and Katie Anderson
16 Members of the public

1. Welcome and apologies:
At 7pm - Stuart Irvine welcomed attendees and started the meeting.
Apologies from Anne Horn.

2. Minutes
Approved - proposed by Ronnie Brownie and seconded by Robert Strang.

We had 2 members of ACHA staff attend the meeting - Sarah Campbell and Katie Anderson – they were happy to receive questions from the audience.
• Johnny Durnan showed pictures and letters etc regarding his home at Tosh’s Park, there are issues with painting, wiring etc.
Action - ACHA promised to find out when the heating and wiring are due to be upgraded.
• ACHA were asked a lot of questions re – dual heating and the removal of open fires – the policy of NO dual heating has changed a bit and ACHA will allow you to keep your open fire and have other heating, however the tenant has to take responsibility for upkeep of the fire and chimney.
• ACHA promised tenants that by 2015 all their properties would reach the National Standards, this is still ongoing.
• Members of the public asked for the heating policy to be re-visited.
• Car parking was brought up – Tormhor and Woodside car parks don’t have any lines painted and car parking can be haphazard – meaning not everyone can get parked. This issue has been raised already with Iain McLeod but there has been no response from a letter sent a few months ago.
Action – ACHA promised to look into this.
• The Residents Ramp at Broomfield was discussed – this household has been waiting a year for this ramp - John McAlpine said that an assessment has been done and that the next stage should be happening ASAP
• Stuart wanted ACHA to take certain messages back from Carradale –
1. The state of some of the ACHA houses needs to be addressed ASAP
2. ACHA need to be aware of what is best for the residents in this area and not what is best for ACHA
• Action- ACHA promised to get back for the next meeting with answers to the above questions and issues

4. Treasurers report – opening balance
As of 31/01/2014
The balance of the EKCC bank account stands at £2012.83

5. Roads – survey
Dominic reported that he and Alasdair Bennett have produced over 400 questionnaires re the local roads and these will be put in the Semples garage and Patersons bakery, there will also be posters around the village. Dominic will report back at the next meeting.
Action DR & AB to collate survey and report back
It was noted that at the last meeting 09/01/14 – Stewart Clark had promised to send SI a report of all the things discussed at the meeting and the roads departments’ response, this has not appeared.
Also it was noted that the various potholes and damage on the roads that was reported to Stewart at the last meeting have not been addressed.
Action – SI to chase up
It was discussed that the method of filling potholes was not resilient enough to keep them filled, and that workers had been seen manually stamping the tar into the holes. The ABC gritter was not working properly and was only gritting one side of the road, meaning the job had to be done twice. Many tyres have been damaged on this road, one of them the local doctor, who needs his car for his work, it was agreed this was not good enough.

6. Emergency Plan
ES updated the meeting and said that the plan has been submitted and accepted and the bags are on their way. The subgroup meeting will be convened in the Carradale Hotel Lounge bar, dates to be confirmed. Posters are to be put up ASAP re subgroup.
ACTION – ES to convene subgroup

7. Playpark/Wellpark
RS reported that the bark in the playpark will be replaced when the weather improves and the welding will be done then too.
Action – RS to arrange bark and welding when appropriate
LM reported that the football club said the pavilion needs attention and repair. It was agreed that EKCC should take on the responsibility for this as they own the pitch etc. a committee needs to be put together ASAP with EKCC members and 2 members from the Cricket club, football club and Playpark.
Action - SI to arrange this meeting
Tom Adams suggested “Capital One” grants for local communities – they may be able to help with funding the Pavilion repairs. He also suggested a “Gala” day at the pavilion, and perhaps encouraging locals to use it more.
Action – SI to look into this possibility.

8. SSE
SSE are having a public information afternoon/evening in the Hotel on 18/02/14 from 4 – 8pm.

9. Antler
DR reported - no change. Everyone in the room agreed that they wanted it to continue and will support DR. DR is hoping to bring out an Easter edition, it was suggested that there be a group of “reporters” to help with the production of articles.

10. Path between Hall and School
There has been an email from the public asking for the removal of the signs – warning folk of traffic on the road. It was agreed to remove the one by the village hall. JD said he would move the bollard and re site it near the school entrance instead. It was pointed out that the Gulls, were responsible for maintaining the path, so it was agreed to ask them to deal with the growth of grass and mud on the path.
Action – SI to contact the Gulls
Colin Burgess has received the agreement re – the path and is happy with it.

11. Peninver – Lussa Road
SSE have agreed that the road is their responsibility, however there is water on the road – Scottish water is responsible for getting the water off the road. Scottish water have hired a contractor to sort the water problem, this is expected to take Ύ weeks then SSE will fix the road.

12. Trees
After last night power cut (caused by a tree on the line) it was asked – whose responsibility is it to clear this area of trees and power lines.
Action - RS to phone FC to ask if it is their responsibility
Neil Wilson has been invited to the next meeting 13/03/14 to discuss SSE and power cuts.

13. Broadband
The courier has taken up this issue – so we will watch to see what happens with it.

14. WW1
Alan Milstead from the Heritage Centre in Campbeltown has been liaising with TA re celebrations. TA will be arranging a small meeting to see who would like to be part of the working group.

15. Network Carradale
Slip - Planning has been lodged, Carradale Harbour Group are now – Carradale Harbour Enterprises Ltd. The lease of the land for the Slip has been approved, and they are registering for VAT registration and when that comes through and the planning permission is passed, the contractor will be able to get started.

16. AOCB
• Meridian– new name - Marine Harvest – are about to start work extending the fish farm north – this should bring 6 local jobs.
• Ifferdale wind turbine – we were a bit unsure about this application – and will get more information – it was suggested that we have a blanket policy re wind turbines – but it was agreed that we would prefer to take each case individually.
• Cloanaig House – it was asked if this house has the relevant planning permissions, it is not in our area – so we can do very little about it. JD has a copy of planning permission from some time ago.
• Broadband speed problems – it was agreed that there is a definite drop in usage at various times of the day –
Action – SI to write to BT about this
• Beach Clean
Action - ES to arrange a beach clean for March /April
• SSE project manager told RS that a mast is being put up at Crossaig and that the EKCC should apply to have all the mobile providers to put their dishes on the mast
Action – EKCC to discuss at the public meeting 18/02/14
• FC works in the area – notice of works and what paths etc will be open/closed
Action – ES to contact FC to ask for a monthly update on FC works in the area and how it will affect our community, to be reported at each meeting
• TA – memorial garden update – looking for flowers and helpers
• Broomfield Garden – are having a plant stall in the Spring.
• Brackley Cemetery – state of road – The Councillors present at the meeting - JMcA and RC, said they had recently spoke to Tom Murphy and brought this to his attention. There is to be a complete service review in September.
A recent burial showed that the graves are being flooded and why is the new field not being used for lairs? It still needs to be consecrated.
Action – SI to contact Tom Murphy.
• The minutes from the EKCCWFT AGM were approved by Lindsey Mercer and seconded by Hilary Oman.
17. Date of next meeting

7pm - 13th March 2014 Carradale Village Hall Library.

Stuart thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 8.29pm.

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