03-03-08 Snowy Monday Afternoon --UPDATE--
Webcam watchers will have seen how Carradale was on the receiving end of a good shower of snow this morning.

We should have known to expect the worst when Argyll & Bute's gritter came through the village around breakfastime, gritting the B842 to Campbeltown and B8001 down to the harbour.

Oddly enough the gritting didn't seem to have any effect upon the snow settling on the road. Maybe they'd forgotten to load it with grit, or perhaps were spreading just a handful of grains per 100yds as part of a Council cost cutting exercise? [GoatNote: Gotta pay for the shiny new offices somehow.]

Either way, when I drove down to Campbeltown in the Landrover I passed two vehicles stuck at Saddell, unable to gain any traction to climb the hill towards Campbeltown. Help was offered but they already had matters in hand, and just as I crested the hill the council's gritter-cum-snow-plough came along again.

Of course the B842 north from Carradale remains un-treated, although the snow plough did head up that way for a while. The council don't consider it to be a primary route (because it doesn't lead to Campbeltown, presumably) and so motorists will have to fend for themselves until they get to Claonaig.
[Carradale Webcam 03-03-2008]

Deluxe Miniature Coffins from Ravensblight]And finally, following on from yesterday's entry, a reader has emailed us with the address for a website where you can download and build your very own miniature coffin, in a variety of styles. Each comes as a PDF file that you can download and print, then cut-out and fold to make your perfect casket.

The website is at http://ravensblight.com so now no-one need feel left out :)


The B842 is now completely blocked at Grogport. There is a lorry partially blocking the road at Brackley, and Argyll & Bute's snow plough/gritter has broken down at the bottom of Grogport hill.
[Heavy going approaching Brackley] [Lorry broken down at Brackley]

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