03-02-16 EKCC Feb Meeting
Dec 2015 mins and Feb agenda.
Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall 3rd December 2015
Eleanor Sloan (ES)(Secretary), Robert Strang (RS), Ronnie Brownie(RB), Bill Bidmead(BB), David Prag(DP)
In attendance
John McAlpine (JMA), Donald Kelly (DK) PC Harper (PH)
7 Members of the public (MoP) 1 journalist from Campbeltown Courier
1. Welcome
Eleanor Sloan was convening this evening as Stuart Irvine (Convener) was absent
At 7pm Eleanor Sloan welcomed attendees and started the meeting.
2. Apologies
Apologies from Stuart Irvine, Elizabeth McMillan (Treasurer), Anne Horn.
3. Minutes of last meeting 5/11/15
Proposed by Robert Strang, seconded by Ronnie Brownie
4. Matters arising
Only one matter not covered by the agenda ES contacted Forestry Commission re updates on local works via email and as yet there has been no reply.
5. Treasurers report
Treasurer absent this month so no update figures are from last meeting
The balance as of 5/10/15 - £1951.83
6. Welfare rights Officer ACHA
According to the agenda Fiona Evamy was due to attend this meeting she did not attend but as SI was not in attendance we couldnt confirm this was a joint arrangement.
Note from after the meeting
ES has followed this up and this was a clerical error and Fiona Evamy was never planning on attending this meeting and will hopefully attend a meeting in the New Year.
7. SSE update
SI emailed an update to ES who read this out at the meeting
SSE Update re film: I spent over an hour with the film team from Perth. In the end after a discussion I spoke for about 4 minutes on the benefits we had received in relation to compensation to East Kintyre residents for the inconvenience caused by the Crossaig to Hunterston project. Obviously I mentioned the good work they did on the road from Crossaig to Carradale.
In addition I mention the favours we had received such as Village hall Car Park, drainage at the Church, WW1 bench, trees etc and other items which came to mind.
The team were very happy with my contribution. I hope to get a copy transcript which can be minuted
8. Brackley Cemetery
SI emailed an update to ES who read this out at the meeting
Alan Walker raised this matter with me and I wrote to Kilmory, Cemeteries Dept. After a somewhat delay I had a call from Paul Martin and he and a colleague are meeting with Alan and myself at 11.00am at Brackley to discuss the matter
Notes on meeting with A&B re cemetery: - We had a good meeting with Paul Martin and Alison McIlroy yesterday at 11.00am at Brackley Cemetery. We were expecting to be knocked back by budget restraint. However both were extremely helpful and will draw up a paper based on what action might be taken.
a) The road from the farm to the entrance of the cemetery could get hard core on it with a path for visitors.
b) The car park could also get a hard core covering which could then be maintained by EKCC
c) Part of the grass verge on the road from the farm could be used as a car park by laying matting. The grass would grow through it.
We offered to give some financial assistance through the Windfarm Trust and Alison said that it would help to get the Council's approval.
Once we receive the paper from Alison we can discuss this matter further.
Alan also raised the matter about the condition of some of the gravestones.
All in all this was a worthwhile meeting and we shall await their response
Comments from the meeting
Possibility of a cattle grid?
Kissing gate?
What is happening with fallen stones?
Is there access to water at the cemetery?
It was suggested to keep up regular communication with the staff from ABC regarding this issue as this may slip off their radar easily.
9. Possible car park at Well park
SI emailed an update to ES who read this out at the meeting
Possible Car Park at Wellpark John Hooper raised this with me as car parking is very limited. The suggestion is that an area on the left as you turn into Wellpark could be cleared an spaces for a few vehicles. I shall be discussing this further with Councillor Strang as he takes to do with maintenance of Wellpark
10. Pavillion Public Toilet
This is all in hand.
11. Village Signs
SI emailed an update to ES who read this out at the meeting
I had a lengthy discussion with Alan Milstead re the road signs as I seem to have a different take on the agreed basis.
Alan was also of the opinion that the Tourist Group would pay for theirs
Leaving us to pay for ours with painting and erection. However after a discussion the following seems a good compromise.
There are four parts to the job: -
a) Signs
b) Posts
c) Paint for posts
d) Erection
As the funds of the tourist group are fairly minimal compared to EKCCWFT,
I suggest we pay for the signs, posts and paint. Tourist Group will pay for the erection.
Do you agree?
All agreed.
12. Planning
Rhona Elder brought up the proposed erection at Bein an Tuirc 2 of 19 new turbines, she has concerns over the proposed height of the new turbines and the low wattage they are expected to produce the question was asked will the wattage increase after they are installed? And if so what will be the effects on the community payback do we receive an amount on the proposed wattage or if it is increased will our payment also increase? ES agreed to contact Richard Kerr ABC planning dept regarding this.
Rhona agreed to email her concerns to ES to share with absent committee members for their thoughts.
Rhona also commented that the photos accompanying the plans are not to the specs of SNH and are not a true image of the landscape after turbine erection.
Action ES to contact planning dept
13. ACHA repairs
RS told us that his roof is now up but there is still work to be done on the dormer windows, and that the workmen are very untidy, they leave tools etc lying around and restrict access for the householder his car had a near miss with a ladder left lying on the driveway. RS told us they have kept a record of all the activity that has been going on at his home. He said the worst part was that workmen arrived started a job and then disappeared again for days on end.
Any phone calls to Bill Anderson are going unanswered and never returned.
ES agreed to email Bill Anderson with EKCC concerns.
JMA pointed out that ACHA had promised to bring all their properties up to Scottish Housing Quality Standards by November 2015 has this been done? ES to contact SHQS and find out the situation with ACHA.
JMA reminded us that all ACHA tenants have the right to buy until July 2016.
Action ES to contact Bill Anderson
ES to contact Scottish Housing Quality Standards authority.
14. Web site
DP said that there have been 126 visits to the website, 100 visitors and 456 page views
Hits from California and Russia.
All the minutes and agendas are available on the website.
The address for the website is http://eastkintyrecc.org
Please contact David david_prag@yahoo.com if you want anything included on the website
15. AOCB
ABC public consultation this is not user friendly and excludes people without access to computers although paper versions are available they are wieldy and have to be chased down.
Update from DR Elder via Rhona First responders are still awaiting a response from Scottish Ambulance Service everything else is good to go
RS told us that there is a blocked gully at An Croit.
Action ES to contact Dougie Lang to report this.
RS told us that the Xmas tree is ordered and will be erected in due course.
RS asked PC Harper for any reassurance about the violent public incident at the weekend PC Harper reported that
The man was arrested and is out on bail (back in the village)
He cannot approach any of the members of the public who were involved on the Sunday night as part of his bail conditions.
PC Harper has raised his concerns over the housing of this individual in such a remote location where it can take about 40 mins for extra police to come to the village if PC Harper is not here
ACHA had not (at the time of the meeting) returned any of his phone calls.
Concerns from the room were that - an unpredictably violent person was at large in our community and a few folk have already been approached by him and put up with verbal abuse he lives near a school and seems to have a history of violence and intimidation.
PC Harper says if he approaches you or has done in the past contact the police and have it recorded to get a true picture of his offending.
It was generally felt that someone like this would be better living nearer services that can support him and respond quickly if he becomes aggressive and dangerous.
It was mentioned that people have become more vigilant and are feeling unsettled over this no longer feeling safe in their own communities and homes.
RS said that the Fire service Christmas card postal service was up and running
£1 for 4 cards to be delivered locally boxes in the shop and garage.
RS told us - soup and sandwiches morning 13/12/15 at the fire station 11am onwards.
This is David Prags last meeting as a co-opted member and ES thanks him for his work with EKCC and he has agreed to carry on with our website and will report to us with figures when he can.
16. Date of next meeting
7pm 4/2/2016
Eleanor closed the meeting at 7.58pm and thanked everyone for attending.
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