02-08-05 Naomi Mitcheson Exhibition
A touring exhibition on the life of Naomi Mitchison has arrived at the Network Centre which is open most days.

A prolific writer and novelist, socialist, campaigner for women's rights and birth control. The exhibition charts her life both in Africa and at home, including Carradale where she lived up until her death in 1999.

The Network Centre is also host to a permanent exhibition on the history of Carradale and the surrounding fauna and flora, and the adjacent tearoom provides excellent home-cooked snacks and refreshments.
[Naomi Mitchison]

From: Mark Rodgers, Australia
Date: 02 Aug 2005

Just viewed the website for the first time on my brothers tip-off.
Love the site, especially the pictures, shared them with my workmates over here in Australia.
Brings back memories of holidaying in Carradale as a child, with my mum (Annie Mitchell) and visiting my Gran and Uncle Bill down on the shore cottages.

Thanks for the memories
Mark Rodgers.

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