02-07-05 Bygone Waterfoot
There's a new photograph in the Bygone Pictures section showing the cottages and the river down at Waterfoot. What is remarkable is just how little this view has changed in the 100 years since the picture was taken, apart from the timber frames (presumably for drying nets?).

The schools have now broken up for the summer holidays - we had prize-giving and a concert at the village primary last week, with sports day the following day (almost called-off because of rain but not quite!)

Eagle-eyed folk may have noticed a lot of British Telecom activity in the area, with specialist contractors TE Services also involved. It's believed this is to do with getting Carradale's telephone exchange upgraded and ready to start providing broadband internet access from the end of July.

A new local business initiative website 'went live' this week. Ring Argyll is a co-operative of local businesses in the Argyll and the Islands area. The aim is to promote trade and co-operation amongst local businesses.

And finally, some of you may have noticed that the Campbeltown Website now also sports a webcam. After a few teething troubles this now shows a view across Campbeltown Loch.

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